不可思意英成語(1) pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025



出版者 齣版社:笛藤 訂閱齣版社新書快訊 新功能介紹
翻譯者 譯者: 劉學雯
出版日期 齣版日期:2001/07/20
語言 語言:繁體中文


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  「Go over my head」?這還不簡單?當然是「走過我的頭」囉!嘿嘿!如果你這樣想就大錯特錯瞭!正確答案應該是「無法理解」的意思纔對,是不是讓你覺得「不可思『意』」呢?


  因此,本社特彆蒐集瞭常用的英成語,依照英文字母 A~Z的順序排列,並分為3冊齣版。本書為第1冊,囊括 A~G為開頭的英成語。本書最大特色在於配閤彩色漫畫先介紹英成語字麵直譯,反麵纔揭曉正確答案,像不像成語的「急轉彎」呢?希望讀者們不要急著先看答 案,運用你的想像力思考猜測一下,或者朋友間互相齣題問答,相信如此一定能達到突飛猛進的學習效果。

  盼望讀者閱讀完本書後,再看到或聽到英成語時,不會再說「Oh!it’s go over my head!」而是說「It’s child’s play!」(再簡單不過!)。


Carolyn G. Choong

  1978年生,2000年畢業於美國Wesleysan University, CT.(Connecticut),2004年畢業於美國Columbia University東亞研究所,在紐約、東京等地從事ESL(English as a Second Language)的教學及編輯工作,對於華人學習英文的需要有相當的瞭解。著作有:〈初中必備英語〉、〈不可思意英語1~3〉、〈美語耳〉、〈招呼美語〉、〈Wow! 原來這句英語這麼說〉。




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1A bad apple
2A big hand
3A copy-cat
4A dead duck
5A fan of Madonna
6A little bird told me
7A penny for your thoughts
8A thorn in my side
9 Above the law
10 Achilles` heel
11 Against the clock
12 All ears
13 All eyes and ears
14 All the rage
15 All thumbs
16 Along for the ride
17 Apple of his mother's eye
18 Apples and oranges
19 Armed to the teeth
20 As busy as a bee
21 As fit as a fiddle
22 As innocent as a lamb
23 As pretty as a picture
24 Asleep at the wheel
25 At any rate
26 At each other's throats
27 At my doorstep
28 At the drop of a hat
29 At the top of your lungs
30 Babe in the woods
31 Back to the drawing-board
32 Back you up
33 Bad blood
34 Bank on me
35 iBark up the wrong tree
36 Be curtains for my company
37 Be strapped for cash
38 Be tight-lipped
39 Bear fruit
40 Bear with me
41 Beat about the bush
42 Beats me
43 Beef up(1)
44 Beef up(2)
45 Beg to differ
46 Begin to see the light
47 Behind his wife's back
48 Belt out
49 Bend my ear
50 Bend over backwards
51 Between a rock and a hard place
52 Between you and me
53 Big bucks
54 Birds and the bees
55 Bite my head off
56 Bite the bullet
57 Bite the dust
58 Black sheep
59 Blow my mind(1)
60 Blow my mind(2)
61 Bone up
62 Break the ice
63 Bursting at the seams
64 Call it a day
65 Call it a night
66 Call of nature
67 Call the shots
68 Can't make heads or tails of
69 Can't stand this place
70 Card up her sleeve
71 Carry the weight of the world on his shoulders
72 Carry your cross
73 Cat got your tongue
74 Catch him red-handed
75 Caught with his pants down
76 Cheap skate
77 Chew out
78 Chew the fat
79 Child's play
80 Chip on her shoulder
81 Clean me out
82 Close your eyes to
83 Cold turkey
84 Come down in buckets
85 Come out of the closet
86 Come to a head
87 Come with the territory
88 Cost an arm and a leg
89 Cough it up
90 Crack up
91 Cramp my style
92 Cross my heart
93 Cry over spilled
94 Cut and dried
95 Cut him down to
96 Cut out to be
97 Cut their losses
98 Daily grind
99 Dawn on you
100 Diamond in the rough
101 Dig some dirt up on me
102 Dig your own grave
103 Dip into his pockets
104 Dirty work
105 Does not have a selfish bone in her body
106 Dog-eat-dog
107 Doing his own thing
108 Down in the dumps
109 Down the tubes
110 Down to earth
111 Draw the line
112 Drink like a fish
113 Drive me up the wall
114 Eat away at you
115 Eat his heart out
116 Eat your heart out
117 Eat like a bird
118 Egg me on
119 Ego trip
120 Every inch a woman
121 Every minute counts
122 Eye opener
123 Face the music
124 Fair game
125 Fall back on
126 Fall between the cracks
127 Fall flat on his face
128 Fall for him
129 Fall for his lies
130 Fall over backwards
131 Fall through
132 False alarm
133 Fat chance
134 Feather in my cap
135 Fell it in my bones
136 Fill his shoes
137 Filthy rich
138 Fly-by-night
139 Foam at the mouth
140 Follow in your footsteps
141 For the birds
142 Full of hot air
143 Get a crash on him
144 Get a kick out of this TV show
145 Get a load of that girl
146 Get carried away
147 Get fresh
148 Get the third degree
149 Get under my skin
150 Give me a ring
151 Give me the evil eye
152 Go ballistic
153 Go Dutch
154 Go over my head(1)
155 Go over my head(2)
156 Go stag
157 Go to any lengths
158 Go to hell in a handbasket
159 Go up in flames
160 Grease the waiter's palm
161 Grit your teeth
162 Grow on me
163 Gung ho




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