有彆於去年推齣日本攝影師森榮喜《tokyo boy alone》作品的潔癖、乾淨與孤寂,永真急製書係今年推齣北京新銳攝影師林誌鵬的攝影集《編號223》,則以一種毫不隱晦的主動挑釁、私密的生活樣貌與情色裸露,帶來完全反方嚮的侵略式風格。從去年的東京到今年的北京,聶永真繼續以颱北做為最主動的前端編輯颱,不做海外譯版的轉運站,編集亞洲最具潛力與話題性的攝影師作品。
◆繼田馥甄的《My Love》,林宥嘉的《美妙生活》之後,中國獨立攝影師編號223╳聶永真再次聯手齣擊,翻看最私密的肉體與心靈,挑戰感官極限、拆解目光與理解!
生於廣東,廣東外語外貿大學畢業,主修金融英語,現居北京。影像創作人,自由寫作者。其個人博客「北緯23度」持續發錶個人影像作品和文字,關注新生代流行文化和生活狀態,纍計點擊率高達百萬次。他於多年的時尚創意類雜誌編輯工作後成為自由攝影師,擔任《Vice》、《S》、《VISION》、《城市畫報》等多本時尚創意雜誌的攝影,亦與United Nude、Converse、Glaceau Vitamin Water、Bacardi等商業品牌閤作平麵廣告拍攝。2004年開始使用膠片口袋相機,拍攝形色、生活和成長的任意事情。2005年開始獨立齣版個人攝影集係列《My Private Broadway》,至今已發錶三集。2007年創辦獨立時尚創意雜誌《TOO》,開始拍攝視頻短片,已完成《山什》、《壹場》和《蒼耳》等作品,2012年創辦獨立Zine:《VERSATILE》。其攝影作品入選《3030 :NEW PHOTOGRAPHY IN CHINA》、《大象》、《Back to Black & White》、《TELL MUM EVERYTHING IS OK》等攝影書冊。www.linzhipeng223.com
Lin Zhipeng(aka No.223) is born in Guangdong province, China and graduated from Guangdong University of Foreign Studies with major of financial English.
Lin is a photographer and freelance writer based in Beijing. He constructed a blog entitled North Latitude 23 with millions views and posted his personal photographs and words on it. He has contributed to numerous creative and fashion magazines as editor and writer and has produced photo shoots for magazines such as Vice, S magazine, VISION, City Pictorial, etc and brands such as United Nude, Converse, Glaceau Vitamin Water, Bacardi, etc. He also produced video works such as SANSAR, SCENE, Xanthium, etc. In 2007 he published the independent fashion magazine project TOO and in 2005, 2006 and 2011 published three volumes of photography entitled My Private Broadway. In 2012 he published a personal zine entitled VERSATILE. His photography works were included in 3030:NEW PHOTOGRAPHY IN CHINA, Elephant, Back to Black & White, TELL MUM EVERYTHING IS OK, etc.
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