讀李傢同學英文4:竊聽者(附2CD) pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025



出版者 齣版社:聯經齣版公司 訂閱齣版社新書快訊 新功能介紹
翻譯者 譯者: Nick Hawkins(郝凱揚)
出版日期 齣版日期:2007/10/11
語言 語言:繁體中文


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  Someone had bugged all our satellites, and the antennas of the bugging devices were pointing toward outer space!

  The alien said that he and his colleagues were universal biology researchers. He apologized for eavesdropping on us, but said they were only gathering information—they meant no harm. The alien said he was a researcher from the zoology department of the Universal Academy of Biology specializing in the social behavior of animals.

  Why was he so interested in human social behavior? The alien replied that despite being a type of animal, humans have a very unique characteristic: they kill each other on a large scale. He pointed out how lions and tigers, for example, will kill other animals but never their own kind. No one has ever seen a lion eating a lion—in other words, lions and tigers recognize their own kind.

He also said that …

  李傢同:我在此給讀者一個建議:你不妨先看看中文文章,先不看英文的翻譯,然後試著將中文翻成英文,我相信你一定會覺得中翻英好睏難。翻完以後,再去看英文翻譯,相信可以學到不少,也可以寫齣越來越像外國人的句子。-- 李傢同



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I had all these keys to show off my social status, but that one—the most important key of all—was conspicuously missing.

〈屋頂A Roof Over My Head〉
For my whole life, I’ve had only one wish: to be able to go inside a house with a roof and sleep on a bed with sheets.

〈對數字正確的認識A Proper Grasp of Numbers〉
Old Wang once observed that he and I shared a common characteristic: we were both very sensitive to numbers. I’ve often seen people hire teams of so-called financial experts to design lots of fancy computer models, but they were never a match for me and Old Wang--by simply relying on our instincts and experience, we never had any trouble besting them.

〈我的傢My Home〉
I’d soon be getting married. Lately I’d seen a lot of expensive toys that rich children had, and I couldn’t help feeling a little worried—with my income, I wouldn’t be able to give my children those things.

〈紐特,你為什麼殺瞭我?Newt, Why Did You Kill Me?〉
I used to think that the most horrible thing about war was how it takes the lives of so many innocent people. Only today did I realize that actually, the most horrible thing about war is how it turns good people into murderers.








The Eavesdroppers
I’m an expert on remote control technology, and I work at an American company that specializes in designing communication satellites. It used to be that once a satellite was launched, repairing it was next to impossible, but now what we do is install a remote-controlled repair system in the satellite before launching it. Then, if the satellite malfunctions, we can send up some signals to find what caused the malfunction to occur, and if isn’t serious, we can fix it from earth by remote control.

But satellites rarely malfunction, so we generally spend most of our time running tests on our remote control systems. After a certain number of tests, we got a little perfunctory—as long as a satellite was functioning properly, we’d just sign the data and call it good.

Then one day last month when I had nothing better to do, I took a careful look at the test data from one satellite and was surprised to discover a strange phenomenon. I’d never seen anything like it before—it had only been going on for two years. Because it was a very small irregularity and hence had not interfered with the satellite’s operations, no one had discovered it before.

I immediately reported the news to my boss. He retrieved data for a bunch of other satellites, and what we found was that those satellites, too, were normal two years ago, but now they all had the same problem.

My boss decided to activate the emergency scanning system we had for situations like this. We broke out in a cold sweat at the alarming results it returned: someone had bugged all our satellites, and the antennas of the bugging devices were pointing toward outer space!

◎ expert(n.)專傢
◎ remote control(n.)遙控(註:此處指遙控技術,但也可指操控傢用電器的遙控器。)
◎ technology(n.)科技
◎ specialize(v.)擅長;專精
◎ communication satellite(n.)通訊衛星
◎ install(v.)安裝;裝設
◎ malfunction(v.)故障
◎ signal(n.)信(訊)號
◎ perfunctory(adj.)隨便的;草率的;敷衍的
◎ properly(adv.)正常地
◎ phenomenon(n.)現象
◎ irregularity(n.)不正常;異常
◎ interfere (with)(v.)乾涉;影響
◎ operation(s)(n.)運作
◎ boss(n.)老闆;上司;上級
◎ retrieve(v.)取迴;(重新)找迴
◎ normal(adj.)正常的
◎ activate(v.)啓動
◎ emergency scanning system(n.)緊急掃描係統
◎ situation(n.)情形;狀況
◎ bug(v.)竊聽(註:尤指暗地安裝器材所進行的竊聽。)
◎ bugging device(s)(n.)竊聽裝置

=(be) an expert on… 精通......;擅長......;為......的專傢
-I’m an expert on remote control technology, and I work at an American company that specializes in designing communication satellites.

expert一般作名詞居多,以上的英譯句中的即是,它的意思為「專傢」、「學有專精的人」,其後常接on這個介詞,之後再接著精通擅長的領域。比如你想以英文錶達「他是位談判專傢(高手)。」即可用(He’s an expert on negotiation.)來錶現。在此要特彆要提醒讀者,expert也可以作形容詞解,意思為「專精的」、「內行的」,要注意的是此時,其後常使用at這個介詞。在此情況下,前麵相同的那句話:「他是位談判專傢(高手)。」可以寫為(He’s expert at negotiating.)

=next to impossible 幾近不可能(1段)
-It used to be that once a satellite was launched, repairing it was next to impossible, but now what we do is install a remote-controlled repair system in the satellite before launching it.

不妨就這麼來學這個片語瞭。你到傢音樂廳看錶演,中場休息時候,燈光打亮,你往身旁一看,不得瞭,美國前總統就坐在你身邊(The ex-president of the United States sits right next to you.),難怪你從一開始就有一種莫名其妙的安全感。
看到沒,next to…原本指的是「在......旁邊」,也就是「很接近......」、「很靠近......」的意思。既然如此,next to impossible不就是「很接近不可能」,也就是中文常說的「幾近不可能」的意思嗎?

=run a test on…  對......進行測試
-But satellites rarely malfunction, so we generally spend most of our time running tests on our remote control systems.

整個run a test on…片語所使用的四個字裏,動詞run的用法最令人費解。但發揮一些想像力,仔細思量後,讀者也應該覺得好玩。看過人們在運動場上跑步健身嗎?沿著跑道,一圈一圈地跑(run),一旁看的人覺得無趣,慢跑的人卻樂在其中。
讀者們請迴到主題來,就是run這個字。它給我們的意象是從起點到終點,週而復始,不停地「跑」(run)。所以,假如檢測工作(test)就像跑道,是個有開頭有結束的程序,那麼用run a test以錶達「進行一套檢測程序」不也有趣而閤理嗎?

=have nothing better to do 閑來沒事;閑著沒事
-Then one day last month when I had nothing better to do, I took a careful look at the test data from one satellite and was surprised to discover a strange phenomenon.

使用have nothing better to do這個用語來錶現「閑來沒事」實在譯得很妙。從字麵上來看,它是「找不到更好的事情做」的意思。你在傢裏晃來晃去,無所是事,傢裏的老母看不過去,可否跟你說過:「如果你閑著沒事,去把碗盤洗一洗。」在老母眼裏,洗碗不是什麼舒服愉快的事情,但總比「找不到更好的事情做」好。
如果你現在就閑閑沒事,就讓我們把老母的話當成題目練習吧。Give it a try if you have nothing better to do now.

= break out in a cold sweat  嚇齣一身冷汗;冒一身冷汗
-We broke out in a cold sweat at the alarming results it returned: someone had bugged all our satellites, and the antennas of the bugging devices were pointing toward outer space!


很活潑的一個片語,和中文的「嚇齣(break out)一身冷汗(in a cold sweat)」百分之百吻閤。其實break out豈止這樣的用法,中文有「笑逐顔開」,英文也有相當類似的(someone’s face) break out into a sweet (big) smile這樣的用法。



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