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出版者 出版社:大智文化 订阅出版社新书快讯 新功能介绍
出版日期 出版日期:2013/06/05
语言 语言:繁体中文


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Level 1
01 abandon 14
02 abdicate 14
03 abet 15
04 abhor 15
05 aboriginal 16
06 acclaim 16
07 accommodate 17
08 accomplish 17
09 accretion 18
10 accumulate 18
11 accurate 19
12 acquaint 19
13 acute 20
14 adapt 20
15 adhere 21
16 adjacent 22
17 admiration 22
18 admonish 23
19 adolescent 23
20 adventure 24
21 adversary 24
22 adversity 25
23 affluent 25
24 agitate 26
25 agony 26
26 allocate 27
27 ambiguous 28
28 anecdote 28
29 antecedent 29
30 anticipate 29
31 anxious 30
32 ape 30
33 apiece 31
34 appropriate 31
35 aptitude 32
36 arbitrator 33
37 artifice 33
38 assiduous 34
39 assimilate 34
40 astound 35
41 asunder 35
42 attentive 36
43 attribute 36
44 austere 37
45 authentic 38
46 awaken 38
47 awkward 39
48 bald 39
49 bandit 40
50 banish 41
 Level 1 Exercises 41

Level 2
51 behold 46
52 belligerent 46
53 benevolent 47
54 beset 47
55 besiege 48
56 bestow 48
57 bewilder 49
58 blemish 49
59 blunt 50
60 bonus 50
61 brag 51
62 brevity 51
63 bruise 52
64 bungalow 52
65 burdensome 53
66 burglarize 53
67 calculate 54
68 candid 54
69 cast 55
70 cautious 55
71 cease 56
72 celebrated 57
73 chieftain 57
74 circumscribe 58
75 clutch 58
76 coarse 59
77 collaborate 59
78 collision 60
79 colossal 60
80 command 61
81 commemorate 61
82 commotion 62
83 compatible 62
84 compel 63
85 competent 64
86 compose 64
87 concede 65
88 conceited 65
89 conceive 66
90 conception 67
91 condense  67
92 confederation 68
93 conflict 68
94 confide 69
95 conform 70
96 conformation 70
97 congregation 71
98 connote 72
99 conscientious 72
100 consequence 73
 Level 2 Exercises 73

Level 3
101 consign 78
102 conspicuous 78
103 conspire 79
104 console 79
105 contemplate 80
106 contemporaneous 80
107 contemporary 81
108 contend 81
109 contrive 82
110 convict 83
111 convoy 83
112 cosy 84
113 counterfeit 84
114 courteous 85
115 crafty 86
116 cram 86
117 crude 87
118 crunch 87
119 crush 88
120 cultivate 88
121 curb 89
122 dainty 89
123 decay 90
124 deceive 90
125 decorate 91
126 dedicate 91
127 deduce 92
128 defect 92
129 definite  93
130 delete 93
131 deliberate 94
132 deliberately 95
133 delighted 95
134 demonstrate 96
135 depict 96
136 depressed 97
137 descend 97
138 desperation 98
139 destiny 98
140 determinative 99
141 devoid 100
142 dilate 100
143 dilemma 101
144 discern 101
145 disclose 102
146 discharge 103
147 disconsolate 103
148 dismal 104
149 dismay 104
150 dispatch 105
 Level 3 Exercises 105

Level 4   
151 dispose 110
152 dissertation 110
153 dissipate 111
154 dissolve 111
155 dissuade 112
156 distinctive 112
157 distinguish 113
158 divergent 114
159 divert 114
160 divorce 115
161 donate 115
162 draconian 116
163 drench 116
164 drift 116
165 drudgery 117
166 dwindle 117
167 eccentric 118
168 elementary 119
169 elope 119
170 elude 120
171 emancipate 120
172 embrace 121
173 emerge 122
174 employ 122
175 encompass 123
176 endeavor 123
177 enhance 124
178 entice 124
179 enunciate 125
180 equivalent 125
181 eradicate 126
182 evaluate 127
183 evaporate 127
184 evident 128
185 exceptional 128
186 excursion 129
187 execute 129
188 exempt 130
189 exhaust 130
190 explicit 131
191 expose 131
192 extinct 132
193 fascinate 133
194 fasten  133
195 feasible 134
196 feeble 134
197 feign 135
198 felicitate 135
199 feminine 136
200 fertile 136
 Level 4 Exercises 137

Level 5   
201 feverish 142
202 ferocious 142
203 fictitious 143
204 flourish 143
205 fluctuate 144
206 lush 144
207 forestal 145
208 foretell 145
209 forgive 146
210 fragrance 146
211 frugal 147
212 furnish  148
213 gallop 148
214 generic 149
215 genius 149
216 glare 150
217 glimmer 151
218 glimpse 151
219 gross 151
220 grotesque 152
221 haphazard 153
222 harvest 153
223 hasty 154
224 haughty 154
225 heap 155
226 heritage 155
227 hoist 156
228 homogeneous 156
229 horrify 157
230 howl 158
231 hubbub 158
232 humble 159
233 humid 159
234 humiliate 160
235 hurdle 160
236 hypothesis 161
237 identical 162
238 illiterate 162
239 illusion 163
240 illustration 163
241 immature 164
242 immigrate 164
243 imminent 165
244 impartial 165
245 imperative 166
246 impede 167
247 inaugurate 167
248 incessant  168
249 incidental 168
250 incline 169
 Level 5 Exercises 170

Level 6   
251 inconstant 174
252 indignation 174
253 indispensable 175
254 individual 175
255 infectious 176
256 inflection 176
257 inflexible 177
258 ingredient 178
259 inhabit 178
260 inhibi 179
261 injure 179
262 injustice 180
263 insane 180
264 instruct 181
265 integrity 181
266 interminable 182
267 interpret 183
268 interrogation 183
269 interrupt 184
270 intervene 184
271 intimate 185
272 intimidate 185
273 intricate 186
274 invasion 187
275 investigate 187
276 irritate 188
277 irritation 188
278 jungle 189
279 knit 189
280 laborious 190
281 landscape 190
282 legitimate 191
283 leisure 191
284 lethal 192
285 lexicon 193
286 linger 193
287 link 194
288 magnetize 194
289 manifest 195
290 magnificent 195
291 manipulate 196
292 massacre 197
293 matrimony 197
294 meander 198
295 meditate 198
296 melancholy  199
297 melodramatic 199
298 memorandum  200
299 merge 201
300 metropolis 201
 Level 6 Exercises 202

Level 7
301 miracle 206
302 mode 206
303 monetary 207
304 monotonous 207
305 multiply 208
306 mute 208
307 mutual 209
308 narrate 210
309 neglect 210
310 negligent 211
311 negligible 211
312 nescient 212
313 notify 213
314 nourish 213
315 obedient 214
316 object 214
317 obligation 215
318 obscure 215
319 obsolete 216
320 obstinate 217
321 obstruction 217
322 option 218
323 opulent 218
324 oral 219
325 origin 219
326 ostentatious 220
327 paramount 220
328 patch 221
329 pathetic 221
330 patricians 222
331 peculiar 223
332 pedantic 223
333 peer 224
334 penalize 224
335 penetrate 225
336 peril 225
337 periodical 226
338 permanent 226
339 perpendicular 227
340 persevere 228
341 perish 228
342 phantom 229
343 plausible 229
344 polish 230
345 pollute 230
346 portly 231
347 precious 231
348 prejudice 232
349 preserve 233
350 presume 233
 Level 7 Exercises 234

Level 8  
351 pretext 240
352 prevalent 240
353 principal 241
354 proceed 241
355 proclaim 242
356 procure 242
357 prolong 243
358 proficient 243
359 profuse 244
360 prolific 244
361 prominent 245
362 prompt 245
363 prone 246
364 propaganda 247
365 propel 247
366 proportion 248
367 propound 248
368 prosecute 249
369 punch 249
370 quotation 250
371 radiant 251
372 reckon 251
373 recognize 252
374 recollect 252
375 reconcile 253
376 recreation 253
377 rectify 254
378 refrain 254
379 refuge 255
380 reign 256
381 reject 256
382 rejuvenate 257
383 relieve 257
384 reluctant 258
385 remedy 258
386 reminiscence 259
387 remold 259
388 remote 260
389 renegade 260
390 repent 261
391 repress 262
392 reputation 262
393 requisite 263
394 rescind 263
395 rescue 264
396 resemblance 264
397 residue 265
398 resolve 265
399 retaliate 266
400 retain 266
 Level 8 Exercises 267

Level 9
401 retreat 272
402 retrieve 272
403 retrograde 272
404 revere 273
405 revolt 274
406 ridiculous 274
407 rotate 275
408 routine 275
409 sabotage 276
410 sacred 276
411 safeguard 277
412 sanction 277
413 sanitary 278
414 sarcastic 278
415 scant 279
416 scarcely 280
417 scatter 280
418 scorn 281
419 scramble 281
420 screech 282
421 screen 282
422 seethe 283
423 segregate 283
424 sensation 284
425 sensible 284
426 sentimen 285
427 sentimental 285
428 serene 286
429 shriek 286
430 shudder 287
431 slither 288
432 smog 288
433 smooth 289
434 snigger 289
435 snooze 290
436 solicitor 290
437 solidarity 291
438 solitary 291
439 spectrum 292
440 split 292
441 squeeze 293
442 squalid 293
443 stammer 294
444 standpoint 294
445 staunch 295
446 steer 295
447 sturdy 296
448 subdue 296
449 subordinate 297
450 superannuated 298
 Level 9 Exercises 298

Level 10
451 supersede 304
452 supervene 304
453 surrender 305
454 survive 305
455 susceptible 306
456 suspend 306
457 suspicious 307
458 sustain 307
459 symptom 308
460 synthetic 308
461 tardy 309
462 theorem 309
463 thwart 310
464 tolerable 310
465 tolerate 311
466 topple 311
467 torture 312
468 track 312
469 tranquil 313
470 transform 313
471 treasure 314
472 triumph 315
473 twine 315
474 twinkle 316
475 twirl 316
476 ultimate 317
477 umpire 317
478 uncoil 318
479 undergo 318
480 unique 319
481 unsophisticated 319
482 utilize 320
483 vacant 320
484 vacillate 321
485 vague 321
486 validate 322
487 valiant 323
488 valid 323
489 vanish 324
490 vernacular 324
491 vicious 325
492 vigorous 325
493 violation 326
494 virtue 326
495 voluntary 327
496 warrant 327
497 wearisome 328
498 whiz 328
499 xerox 329
500 zenith 330
Level 10 Exercises 330


1. abandon [əbændən]
To forsake; leave behind
v./n. 放弃,抛弃,放纵
[名词] abandonment
[反义词] maintain 【维持; 保持; 使继续】

abandon源于拉丁文a-(不)+-ban-(阻止)+-don(给予),其字面意思为不阻止给予,即“放弃、放纵”之意。在中国,若哪个男人狠心抛妻弃子(abandon his wife and children),人们就会将此人比作“陈世美”。

[同义词] cede,relinquish

例如︰She abandoned her husband.
●cede 是正式用语,常指按规定而不得不放弃,多指割让或转让领土、权利等。
例如︰The imperialist powers repeatedly forced Qing government to cede territory and pay indemnities.(帝国主义列强多次强迫清朝政府割地赔款。)
●relinquish 是普通用语,所表示的放弃中含有遗憾、勉强的意味。
例如︰She has relinquished her plan of going to America this year.

2. abdicate [ˋæbdə͵ket]
To relinquish (power or responsibility) formally
[名词] abdication

[反义词] constitute 【构成, 组成】


[同义词] abandon; waive
abdicate v. 正式放弃(权力等)

abandon v. 丢弃; 抛弃; 遗弃
waive v. 放弃; 撤回

例如:When Queen Elizabeth abdicated, her little sister succeeded her on the throne. (伊莉莎白女王退位后,她的妹妹继承了王位。)
●abandon 强调完全永远放弃,尤指遗弃从前喜爱的人或物。
例如︰He abandoned his son. (他遗弃了自己的孩子)。
例如︰She waived her right to appeal after the sentence of the court. (法庭宣判后她放弃了上诉的权力)。

To assist or encourage ( usually in some wrongdoing)
v. 教唆,煽动,帮助,支持
[名词] abetment

[反义词] frustrate【阻挠】


[同义词] instigate; ferment

abet v. 教唆; 煽动

instigate v. 唆使; 怂恿

ferment v./n. 使骚动; 煽动

●abet常表示怂恿别人去做坏事,尤其是错误的事情,例如:to abet theft (教唆偷窃)。They abetted dogs to attack the poor bear.(他们唆使着狗群去攻击那只可怜的熊)。He was abetted in illegal activities by his colleagues.(他受同事怂恿进行非法活动)。当然,abet这个词也可用于正面的意思,例如:to abet the cause of justice (协助执行正义)。
●instigate表示引发激烈行动的奸计,强调激发计画的行动。例如:to instigate an assassination(教唆行刺)to instigate a plot to seize the power of the country(教唆进行夺取政权的阴谋)。
●ferment常用于指教唆不光明正大的计画,以促成急剧的变动,侧重如何使该计画延续下去,例如:to ferment fear and discord(煽动恐惧与不和)。

3. abhor [əbˋhɔr]
To find repugnant
v. 憎恶,厌恶,痛恨
[名词] abhorrence

[反义词] adore【爱慕;热爱】


[同义词] hate,despise
hate,despise 与 abhor 都含“憎恶”、“憎恨”的意思。

abhor v. 憎恶; 厌恶

hate v./n. 不满; 厌恶

despise v. 轻蔑; 看不起

●abhor 指“憎恶”、“非常厌恶”。例如:Mary abhors cruelty to animals very much. (玛丽非常憎恶虐待动物。)
●hate 是常用词,指“对某人、物或行为表示不满或厌恶”,有时含有“敌视并伤害对方”的意思。例如:to hate violence(憎恨使用暴力)to hate cooking dishes (讨厌做饭)。
●despise 指“对憎恶的人轻蔑、看不起”。例如:Don’t cheat on exams or others will despise you.(考试不要作弊,否则别人会看不起你。)

4. aboriginal [͵æbəˋridʒənəl]
Having existed in a region from the beginning; of or relating to aborigines
adj. 原产的,原始的,土着的
[名词] aborigine

[反义词] foreign【外国的】

该词来源于ab-(向下、脱离)+origin (根源)+al (与…… 有关),其字面含义为与向下寻根有关,后被译为土着的,原始的。提起土着人,人们首先想到的就是美国的印第安人。自1961年开始,美国每年都会在阿拉斯加州中心的费尔班克斯城举办 “世界因纽特人——印第安人奥林匹克运动会”(英文the World Eskimo-Indian Olympics,缩写为WEIO),其目的是让人们更加了解阿拉斯加原住民历史和文化。其经典比赛项目包括用耳朵拔河、用耳朵举重、双脚跳高踢海豹皮球以及拉手臂比赛等。

[同义词] native; local

aboriginal adj./n. 原始的; 土着居民

native adj./n. 本土的; 本地人

local adj./n. 具有地方特色的; 当地居民

●aboriginal指已知最早居住在某地的人或物,或者为探险家或殖民者所发现的在某地的人或物,即土着居民、土生动植物。例如:The Indians were the aboriginal Americans, but they were oppressed by the settlers. (印地安人是美洲的土着居民,但是却遭到了殖民者的压迫。)
●native指出生于本地的,或本土的。例如:native language (本国语)。
●local指当地的,具有地方特色的。例如:a local custom(地方风俗) local government(当地政府)。

5. acclaim [əˋklem]
To praise vociferously; clap ones hands or shout after performances to indicate approval
v./n. 欢唿,喝采,称赞
[名词] acclamation

[反义词] taunt【辱骂;嘲笑】

acclaim来源于拉丁文ac-(一、再)+-claim(唿喊、哭嚎),其字面意思为一再唿喊。例如, 选举时,支持的候选人获选,支持者们热情地欢唿喝彩(acclaim)。

[同义词] praise,commend
praise,commend 与 acclaim 都含有“赞扬”的意思。

acclaim v./n. 欢唿; 喝采

praise v./n. 赞颂; 表扬

commend v. 称赞; 赞赏

●acclaim 主要指热情地,并且经常公开地称赞。例如:They acclaimed him as the best actor of this year. (他们称赞他是本年度最佳男演员。)
●praise较常用,指“对某人或某物衷心地称赞”。例如:He was highly praised for his kindness and bravery. (他的善良和勇敢受到了高度的赞扬。)
●commend 为正式用语,指“正式地称赞或嘉许”。例如:The leader commended them for their enthusiasm and diligence.(领导称赞了他们的热情和勤奋。)

6. accommodate [əˋkɑmə͵det]
To hold comfortably without crowding; to provide for; supply with
v. 容纳,供应,使适应,调节,和解
[名词] accommodation

[反义词] exclude【接纳】

accommodate来源于ac-(加强语气)+-com- (共同)+-mod-(方式、模式)+ate(使,尾码),其字面意思为使用共同的方式,即需要相互适应、容纳。例如, 一家五星级豪华商务型酒店拥有2000平、高10.8公尺的大型宴会厅,可容纳(accommodate)8000人,另外拥有数间大小不一的会议室,可以满足宾客们不同的商务需求。

[同义词] contain,hold

accommodate v. 容纳; 供应

contain v. 包含; 容纳

hold v./n. 拥有; 握住

●accommodate指宽松的容纳能力。例如:The hotel could accommodate up to 800 people. (酒店最多可容纳800人。)
●contain强调一个整体内含有某些组成成分。例如:Containing thousands of little rivers, the sea is great(海纳百川,有容乃大。)
●hold常可以与contain换用,侧重于包含的能力。例如:How much water does the jug hold? (这罐子能盛多少水?)

7. accomplish [əˋkɑmplɪʃ]
To succeed in doing; bring to pass; to complete
v. 完成,达到,实现
[名词] accomplishment

[反义词] fail【失败】

accomplish来源于拉丁文ac-(强调,向……) + -complish (完成),其字面意思为强调完成或向完成方向发展,即完成、实现。汉语有句话叫“得心应手”,其英译为What the heart wishes ones hands accomplish。

[同义词] finish; complete
Complete, finish和accomplish基本属于同义词,但用法不同。

accomplish v. 完成; 达到

complete v./adj 完成; 完全的

finish v./n 完成; 终结

●accomplish通常接task,goal,mission等名词,含有实现某种效果的含义。例如:We should accomplish the task in line with the schedule. (我们必须按照进度完成任务)。
●complete主要指按照预先的目标努力把未完成的工作完成,有补足缺少部分的含义,例如:“Nothing worth doing is completed in our lifetime.” (“我们这辈子连一件有意义的事也没完成。”—莱因霍尔德•尼泊赫语)。
●finish与complete多数情况下可以互换,但后者更正式。而finish本身则含有认真仔细的完成最后阶段,使之完美之意。例如:Chinas pottery is beautifully finished. (中国陶器加工精美。)



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