003 序Preface
006 香港觀鳥熱點 Hot Spots for Birdwatching in Hong Kong
011 香港觀鳥會The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society
015 觀鳥在香港 Birdwatching in Hong Kong
015 香港——觀鳥天堂 Hong Kong—A Paradise for Birdwatching
016 鳥類與生境 Birds and Habitats
026鳥類遷徒 Bird Migration
030 觀鳥的準備 Preparing to Watch Bird
038 提交觀鳥紀錄 Submit your Records
039觀鳥比賽 Bird Watching Competition
043 觀鳥及鳥類攝影守則 Code of Conduct of Birdwatching and Bird Photography
045 觀鳥地點 Places to Visit
054 香港觀鳥地圖 Hong Kong Map
056 鳥種分類 Family Description
075 香港有記錄的全球瀕危鳥類Globally Threatened Birds in Hong Kong
077 鳥類身體辨識 Illustrated Glossary
079 鳥類結構及功能 The Structure and Function of Birds
082辨認雀鳥的技巧 Bird Identification Skill
085 鏡頭下的267種香港鳥類 267 Kinds of Bird under the Lens
086 如何使用這本書 How to Use this Book
088 雉科Phasianidae (鷓鴣、鵪鶉和雉雞 Francolins, Quails and Pheasants)
091 鴨科Anatidae (鴨、雁和天鵝 Ducks, Geese and Swans)
130 夜鷹科Caprimulgidae (夜鷹 Nightjars)
134 雨燕科Apodidae (雨燕 Swifts)
142 杜鵑科Cuculidae(杜鵑和鴉鵑 Cuckoos and Coucals)
162 鳩鴿科Columbidae(鳩和鴿 Doves and Pigeons)
181 秧雞科Rallidae(秧雞 Rails, Crakes and Coots)
199 鶴科Gruidae(鶴 Cranes)
200 鸊鷉科Podicipedidae(鸊鷉 Grebes)
206 三趾鶉科Turnicidae(三趾鶉 Buttonquails)
208 石鴴科Burhinidae(石鴴 Stone-curlews)
210 蠣鷸科Haematopodidae(蠣鷸 Oystercatchers)
212 反嘴鷸科Recurvirostridae(長腳鷸和反嘴鷸 Stilts and Avocets)
216 鴴科Charadriidae(鴴和麥雞Plovers and Lapwings)
238 彩鷸科Rostratulidae(彩鷸 Painted-snipes)
240 水雉科Jacanidae(水雉 Jacanas)
242 鷸科Scolopacidae(鷸、沙錐、瓣蹼鷸等 Sandpipers, Snipes, Phalaropes and allies)
296 燕鴴科Glareolidae(燕鴴 Pratincoles)
299 鷗科Laridae(鷗和燕鷗 Gulls and Terns)
340 賊鷗科Stercorariidae(賊鷗 Jaegers)
344 海雀科Alcidae(海雀 Murrelets)
346 鸏科Phaethontidae(鸏 Tropicbirds)
349 潛鳥科Gaviidae(潛鳥 Loons)
350鸌科Procellariidae(鸌 Petrels and Shearwaters)
353鸛科Ciconiidae(鸛 Storks)
356軍艦鳥科Fregatidae(軍艦鳥 Frigatebirds)
359鰹鳥科Sulidae(鰹鳥 Boobies)
361鸕鷀科Phalacrocoracidae(鸕鷀 Cormorants)
364鹮科Threskiornithidae(琵鷺和鹮Spoonbills and Ibises)
370鷺科Ardeidae(鷺鳥和鳽 Herons, Egrets and Bitterns)
404鵜鶘科Pelecanidae(鵜鶘 Pelicans)
406鶚科Pandionidae(鶚 Ospreys)
407鷹科Accipitridae(雕和鷹 Eagles and Hawks)
451佛法僧科Coraciidae(佛法僧 Rollers)
470鬚鴷科Megalaimidae(亞洲擬鴷Asian Barbets)
483 參考資料 References
484-487 中文鳥名索引 Index by Chinese Names
488-491 英文鳥名索引 Index by English Common Names
492-495 學名索引Index by Scientific Names
003 序Preface
006 香港觀鳥熱點 Hot Spots for Birdwatching in Hong Kong
011 香港觀鳥會The Hong Kong Bird Watching Society
015 觀鳥在香港 Birdwatching in Hong Kong
015城市雀鳥 Birds in the Cities
020塱原農田及新界西北魚塘 Farmland in Long Valley and Fishponds in NW New Territories
026遇到雀鳥受傷或死亡應如何處理 What to Do when You Find an Injured or Dead Bird
032保育瀕危鳥類 Conservation of Endangered Birds
039 觀鳥地點 Places to Visit
048 香港觀鳥地圖 Hong Kong Map
050 鳥種分類 Family Description
069 香港有記錄的全球瀕危鳥類Globally Threatened Birds in Hong Kong
071 鏡頭下的247種香港鳥類 247 Kinds of Bird under the Lens
072 如何使用這本書 How to Use this Book
074鳳頭鸚鵡科Cacatuidae (鳳頭鸚鵡 Cockatoos)
076 鸚鵡科Psittaculidae (鸚鵡 Parakeets)
078 八色鶇科Pittidae (八色鶇 Pittas)
080 山椒鳥科Campephagidae (山椒鳥和鵑鵙 Minivets and Cuckooshrikes)
090 伯勞科Laniidae(伯勞 Shrikes)
100 鶯雀科Vireonidae (白腹鳳鶥 White-bellied Erpornis)
102 黃鸝科Oriolidae(黃鸝 Orioles)
104 捲尾科Dicruridae(捲尾 Drongos)
112 王鶲科Monarchidae(王鶲和綬帶 Monarchs and Paradise Flycatchers)
118 鴉科Corvidae(烏鴉、喜鵲等 Crows, Magpies and allies)
133 太平鳥科Bombycillidae(太平鳥 Waxwings)
134 玉鶲科Stenostiridae (方尾鶲 Grey-headed Canary-flycatcher)
136 山雀科Paridae(山雀 Tits)
144 攀雀科Remizidae(攀雀 Penduline Tits)
146 百靈科Alaudidae(百靈 Larks)
150 鵯科Pycnonotidae(鵯 Bulbuls)
162 燕科Hirundinidae(燕和沙燕 Swallows and Martins)
170 鱗胸鷦鶥科Pnoepygidae (鷦鶥 Wren-babblers)
172 樹鶯科Cettiidae (樹鶯 Bush Warblers)
180 長尾山雀科Aegithalidae(長尾山雀 Tits)
181 柳鶯科Phylloscopidae (柳鶯 Leaf Warblers)
212 葦鶯科Acrocephalidae (葦鶯 Reed Warblers)
220 蝗鶯科Locustellidae (短翅鶯和蝗鶯 Bush Warblers and Grasshopper)
226扇尾鶯科Cisticolidae(扇尾鶯、鷦鶯等 Cisticolas, Prinias and allies)
236林鶥科Timaliidae (鈎嘴鶥和穗鶥 Scimitar Babblers and Babblers)
238幽鶥科Pellorneidae (雀鶥和草鶯 Fulvettas and Grassbirds)
242噪鶥科Leiothrichidae (噪鶥、希鶥等 Laughingthrushes, Minlas and allies)
260鶯鶥科Sylviidae(林鶯和鴉雀等 Sylviid Warblers, Parrotbills and allies)
263繡眼鳥科Zosteropidae(繡眼鳥 White-eyes)
268鳾科Sittidae(鳾 Nuthatchs)
269椋鳥科Sturnidae(椋鳥和八哥 Starlings and Mynas)
287鶇科Turdidae(鶇 Thrushs)
310鶲科Muscicapidae(鶲和鴝 Flycatchers and Chats)
384葉鵯科Chloropseidae(葉鵯 Leafbirds)
386啄花鳥科Dicaeidae(啄花鳥 Flowerpeckers)
405鶺鴒科Motacillidae(鶺鴒和鷚Wagtails and Pipits)
426燕雀科Fringillidae(燕雀和金翅雀類Bramblings and Cardueline Finches)
467 參考資料 References
468-471 中文鳥名索引 Index by Chinese Names
472-475 英文鳥名索引 Index by English Common Names
476-479 學名索引Index by Scientific Names