I’ve decided to combine the best of what I have learned over the last 20 years teaching IELTS speaking and researching the test into this book. It contains by far the most useful speaking training methods and the best IELTS answering techniques you will ever find. Nothing has been left out.
Reading this book is like being taken on a journey. You’ll be systematically trained in the English speaking skills of fluency and coherence, vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. Next, you’ll be led even further on your journey by learning how to not only think like a native speaker but also talk like one with the Ultimate Answering System (AYEFX).
Reading this book is also like taking a class in which you are taught to completely master IELTS speaking. What cram schools don’t teach you and examiners are forbidden to tell you about the real Band Descriptors is revealed here for the first time. The Master Stories Method, another major part of your training, will help you develop your ability to discuss various topics at length.
Regardless of whether you’re an IELTS test taker or someone who simply wants to vastly improve your English speaking skills, I hope that you will practice “echoing” all of the perfect-scoring recorded answers I have created for you at least 10 times each: the more you do this, the better. Also, if you are used to speaking with an American accent, feel free to echo the American voice; likewise, if a British accent is more to your taste, feel free to echo the British voice.
The standard to set for yourself is not simply to be able to speak English, but to be able to say something! Once you can do that, you will have reached an IELTS standard of Band 7.5 or higher.
I hope you enjoy using this book.
I ask only one thing: practice diligently and never give up on your dreams.
You can do it!
我將這二十年的雅思教學經驗與研究 : 最有用的英文口說練習法與雅思口說答題技巧,毫無保留的全寫進這本書裡,不留一手。
讀這本書,就像個旅程,帶著你有係統的練英文口說。一路從流利度與連貫性、字彙、文法到發音的訓練,接著更進一步教你 : 母語人士說英文的思維「AYEFX」,讓你從思考、講英文就像個母語人士。
讀這本書,也像個課程,帶著你徹底的掌握雅思口說。補習班不會教你的、考官不能告訴你的 : 真正口說評分規則,在這裡將被揭開。「主軸故事法」也是重頭戲之一,這個技巧能夠紮實培養你談論各種話題的口說能力。
當你達到這個標準時,你的雅思口說也已達到Band 7.5以上的水準。
Brett Lindsay林熙老師
“Drawing on the corpus of real IELTS questions reported by test-takers, Brett Lindsay provides IELTS Speaking test candidates with a meticulous break down of the speaking question types and the best strategies to deal with them,equipping candidates with handy chunks of natural sounding language that they can easily integrate with their own English speech, as opposed to the inappropriate clichés that IELTS students are so often encouraged to memorize and mechanically regurgitate.”
Daniel Sansoni 英文檢定考官/資深雅思教師
“This invaluable guide contains numerous examples of what both good and bad answers look like, along with thorough explanations, which reference the scoring rubric. In addition, the many strategies for overcoming common difficulties make this text a must-have for any serious IELTS candidate wishing to reach his or her exam g oals.”
Dax Seutter 前雅思口試考官/資深雅思教師
“The author provides clear, unique, and easy-to-follow directions for IELTS students. These directions show how your answers can be more natural,detailed, and interesting. That means a higher score! You will feel prepared and confident.”
作者為雅思考生提供瞭清楚、獨到且易於遵循的指導方針,教導你更自然、更有深度且更有趣的答題技巧,也就是高分錶達! 這本書讓你做足準備,自信應戰雅思口說。
Brian Welter 英文檢定考官/資深雅思教師