藉由Nagaaki與Summer的引介與觀察視角,我們得知Alexey Titarenko為何帶著哈蘇相機與腳架,在地鐵站外以慢速快門捕捉臉孔模糊的工人大軍,攝下一幅幅令人深思的畫麵;Antoine D'Agata則企圖利用重復曝光的方式,讓性愛在畫麵中隻留下可供辨認的部份形狀,臉孔的抹消加強瞭肢動語言所透齣直指本性遣藏的無盡茫然、迷惑與壓抑睏頓;Danielle Levitt以獨特觀點記錄美國青少年的群落與文化;Desiree Dolron則試圖透過攝影來描摹平麵感的早期繪畫,在理想、假想與虛擬現實之間,造就極富未來感卻又透著古典美的作品……。
Nagaaki dredged about in the Asian design scene for many years before moving to London, England, setting up studio as well as a bed and breakfast slash hostel called Rope Street Cottage B & B. His portrait perfect designer’s life currently attributes its success to having a love for the written word and photographic images, however, culture creativity can be considered the primary aspect of his essence. He currently provides photographs and writes columns for magazines both at home and abroad. He has been an assistant at the "Beautiful Chaos" Exhibition at the Taipei Fine Arts Museum, helped plan Taiwan Designers Week’s “City Yeast” project displays, and was selected in the 2011 International Photography Awards Competition blog qualification section, not to mention participating in a multitude of international graphic design and product design competitions.
長年旅居英倫的Summer Hung,興趣廣泛,對藝術、文學、設計、攝影多方涉獵,專精於倫敦當代劇場觀察評論,亦修習劇場設計與藝術創作。搞笑成癮愛戲成癡、為人瘋癲花前風流,無一不備無一不精。從事文字創作與藝文報導多年,高談闊論舞文弄墨,把酒言歡相濡以沫,在紙與筆間建牆造車,攻城掠地。
Summer Hung lives in London for years, spending time in galleries, exhibitions and various performing spaces. Specialised in performance studies, criticism and theatre design, she incorporates her expertise and sharp observation of current art climate into her writing and reports. With wide experience in business, theatre and academic studies, she offers insightful analyses and introduces new development in the field of art, design, photography and stage to readers.
prologue|無以名狀的攝影的力量。The Supreme Power of Photographing.
introduction|細嘗當代攝影的美好價值。A Look Into the Beauty of Contemporary Photography.
無相機攝影的實驗影像魅力。Adam Fuss
自製鏡頭捕捉荒野傳奇。Alexander Binder
收納一座城市的靈魂。Alexey Titarenko
人獸神三位一體的糾纏。Antoine D'Agata
捕捉下一世代的多元與可能。Danielle Levitt
全景攝影的說書人。David Hilliard
演繹攝影與繪畫百年的繾綣對話。Desiree Dolron
速寫影像下的情緒綫索。Dryden Goodwin
人體與物件的一分鍾對話。Erwin Wurm
鄉野間的舞會餘燼。Giacomo Brunelli
反客為主的推理劇。Jessica Sue Layton
青春期剛啓程。Julia Fullerton Batten
遊戲在創作之中。Mary Ellen Bartley
自然的凝想。Nicholas Hughes
脫離事實的照片雕塑。Oswan Gwon
在6×7的相機裏編織魔幻寫實的劇情。Paolo Ventura
沉思的光籠罩血肉之軀。Philip-Lorca DiCorcia
貧睏與笑容都不得賤賣。Roger Ballen
過去與現在,繪畫與攝影的交會。Tom Hunter
假麵偶戲的人間劇場。Watanabe Hiroshi
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