商務英語四書:商務英語口語王、商務英語寫作王、商務英語職場王、商務英語全能王(附贈標準英語朗讀4片MP3) pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025



出版者 齣版社:瑞蘭國際 訂閱齣版社新書快訊 新功能介紹
翻譯者 譯者: 王淼, 王青, 巨小衛
出版日期 齣版日期:2016/03/21
語言 語言:繁體中文


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  ※感謝信 Expressing Thanks

  I want to express my gratitude for... 我想錶達對⋯⋯的感激之情。
  I really appreciated your help. 我真的非常感激您的幫助。
  Thank you so much for your support. 非常感謝您的支持。
  We couldn't have done it without you. 沒有您我們一定做不到。
  We appreciate your service. 我們很感激你們的服務。
  What can we do to return the favor? 我們怎麼纔能迴報您呢?

  Dear Julia,
  I wanted to write a note to let you know how much I appreciated your help   last week to finish my writing project. Thank you so much for your support. I couldn't have done it without you. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to return the favor.



  It's nice to meet you. 很高興見到您。
  I'm glad you made it okay. 很高興您能及時抵達。

  Did you find our offices all right? 您覺得我們的辦公室好找嗎?
  Your directions were very straightforward. 您指的方嚮非常明確。

  Now, would you like something to drink? 現在,你想喝點什麼嗎?
  Can I take your coat? 要我幫您放大衣嗎?


  ※常用商務縮寫 Common Business Abbreviations
  asap (as soon as possible) 盡快
  CEO-Chief Executive Officer 首席執行長(大老闆)
  CFO-Chief Financial Officer 首席財務長(財務部門的負責人)

  ※附件 Attachments
  Subject: Re: First quarter figures
  Dear Tony,
  Thanks for sending me the figures but unfortunately, for some reason I was unable to open the attachment. Could you please resend?



  ※社交 Social Settings

  ※和主管討論問題 Discussing Concerns with Superiors
  大傢都不喜歡犯錯,但勇於承認(acknowledge)錯誤有益於解決問題。把錯誤看作是學習和提高自己能力(job skills)的機會。

  ☉I realize I might have contributed to this problem by... But I want to help solve the problem now.  

  ☉Perhaps if I hadn't..., things might not have developed thus far. I didn't intend to make things worse, but now I want to make it better.









Carol Rurckert

  美國明尼蘇達州人,牛津布魯剋斯大學英語教學專業碩士;曾旅居中國7年,從事英語教學和教材開發:現居倫敦,任職於一傢跨國齣版公司,開發英語教學網站;同時擔任BBC Online、Seoul Times、City Weekend等網站和雜誌的特約撰稿人。

Nick Stirk


Amanda Crandell Ju

商務英語四書:商務英語口語王、商務英語寫作王、商務英語職場王、商務英語全能王(附贈標準英語朗讀4片MP3) pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載


十項全能之一:商務詞匯Business Vocabulary
常用銀行業務詞匯 Common Banking Terms
常用外貿詞匯 Common Foreign Trade Terms
常用金融詞匯 Common Financial Terms
政府機構詞匯 Governmental Agencies and Offices Terms
十項全能之二:商務信函範例Business E-mails
請求幫助 Requesting Assistance
請求約見 Requesting an Appointment
安排約見 Setting an Appointment
邀請信 Letter of Invitation
迴應邀請 Responding to an Invitation
感謝信 Expressing Thanks
祝賀信 Congratulations
道歉信 Letter of Apology
慰問信 Letter of Consolation
介紹公司 Company Introduction
推銷商品 Recommending Products
請求建立閤作 Requesting Cooperation
詢價 Inquiry
報價 Giving a Quotation
還價 Making a Counteroffer
訂購 Making an Order
說明包裝和發貨要求 Packaging and Shipping Requirements
通知付款 Notice of Billing
催款 Urging Payment
投訴 Complaints
迴應投訴 Addressing Complaints
客戶問捲調查 Customer Survey
産品說明書 Product Owner's Manual
會議通知 Announcing a Meeting
給顧客的通知 Making Announcements to Clients
申請資金 Application for Funding
報告專案進度 Reporting Project Progress
報告銷售情況 Reporting Sales
發布新聞稿 Press Release
求職信 Cover Letter
推薦信 Letter of Recommendation
徵人廣告 Job Posting
錄取通知 Acceptance Letter
十項全能之三:管理和組織Management and Leadership
公司結構 Company Organization
達成共識 Reaching Consensus
影響他人 Influencing Others
鼓勵員工 Motivating Employees
和主管溝通 Communication with Superiors
專案管理 Project Management
調解衝突 Conflict Management
評鑑員工錶現 Employee Performance Reviews
撰寫宗旨 Writing a Mission Statement
十項全能之四:國際貿易International Trade
貿易展 Trade Shows
貿易展後的跟進 Following up on Trade Show Leads
尋找貨源 Finding a Source
尋找齣口管道 Finding Export Leads
信用狀 Letter of Credit
價格談判 Negotiating a Price
關稅 Tariffs
貨運、海關和其他事宜 Shipping,Customs and Other Issues
十項全能之五:設計和生産Design and Production
預測市場動嚮 Predicting Trends
新産品的研發 New Product Development
設計專利 Design Patent
設計策略 Design Strategy
生産規劃 Production Planning
品質檢驗流程 Quality Process and Procedure
十項全能之六:公司財務Company Financial
做預算 Budgeting
財務結算 Accounting
成本控製 Cost Control
現金流 Cash Flow
集資 Raising Capital
年度財務報告 Annual Financial Reports
十項全能之七:銀行業務Bank Business
存款 Making a Deposit
外幣帳戶 Foreign Currency Account
換外匯 Foreign Currency Exchange
企業信貸 Corporate Credit
申請信用卡 Applying for a Credit Card
十項全能之八:行銷和銷售Marketing and Sales
行銷策略 Market Strategies
銷售審核 Sales Reviews
決定價格 Determining the Price
策劃廣告活動 Creating an Advertising Campaign
展示新産品 Demonstrating New Products
電話推銷 Telemarketing
市場調查 Marketing Survey
安撫惱怒的客戶 Calming an Upset Customer
十項全能之九:人力資源Human Resources
公司培訓 Company Training
求職麵試 Interviewing for Employment
薪資和福利 Salary and Benefits
員工培訓 Conducting Employee Training
十項全能之十:公共關係Public Relations
改變企業形象 Transforming Corporate Identity
舉行新聞發布會 Holding a Press Conference
規劃公共關係策略 Planning a Public Relations Strategy
處理負麵報導 Dealing with Bad Publicity

Part 1 職場通行200短句
Social Expressions
問候 Greetings
做介紹 Introduction
道彆 Saying Goodbye
找路 Finding the Way
詢問聯係方式 Contact Details
說明時間和日期 Time and Date
告知消息 Information
打電話 Telephone
邀請 Invitation
約會 Appointment
談論天氣 Weather
就餐 Restaurant
喝咖啡 Coffee
購物 Shopping
在銀行 Bank
在郵局 Post Office
在醫院 Hospital
節日祝福 Holiday Blessing
祝願 Good Wishes
感謝 Gratitude
稱贊 Compliment
道歉 Apology
幫助 Help
建議 Suggestion
提醒 Reminding
安慰 Reassurance
勸說 Persuasion
Expressing Feelings and Attitudes
高興 Delight
意願 Intention
興趣 Interest
偏好 Preference
鼓勵 Encouragement
關心 Sympathy
擔心 Worry
驚訝 Surprise
預測 Anticipation
後悔 Regret
抱怨 Complaint
贊同 Approval
許可 Permission
肯定 Certainty
能力 Ability
勸說 Persuasion
可能性 Possibility
重要性 Importance
PART 2 商務情境700金句
商務會議 Meetings
指派工作 Task Assignments
執行緊急任務 Rush Jobs
安排專案計畫 Scheduling a Project
改進工作方式 Improving the Way We Work
麵對失誤 We’ve Got a Small Problem
Office Talk
尋求幫助 Asking for Assistance
緩解壓力 Dealing with Stress
肯定工作成績 Acknowledging a Job Well Done
提供幫助 Offering Assistance
Business Communications
商務約會 Making Appointments
會見客戶 Meeting a Client
介紹公司 Company Introduction
介紹産品 Overview of a Product
介紹服務 Overview of a Service
Guest Reception
在機場 At the Airport
車內閑談 Small Talk in the Car
首次會談 First Meetings
參觀工廠 Tour of a Factory
商務晚宴 Business Dinners
觀光旅遊 Sightseeing
齣境 Departures
Marketing and Sales
行銷策略 Marketing Strategy
完成銷售指標 Meeting Sales Targets
廣告 Advertising
匯率變化 Exchange Rates
市場調查 Market Research
售後服務 After a Sale
Doing Business
查詢資訊 Making an Inquiry
下訂單 Placing an Order
討價還價 Getting a Bargain
打摺優惠 Offering Discounts
齣貨 Making a Delivery
催款 Requesting a Payment
品質管製 Quality Control
投訴 Making a Complaint
庫存管理 Stock Control
Attending International Exhibitions
籌備會展 Preparations for an Exhibition
介紹新産品 Overview of a New Product
産品展示 Giving a Product Demonstration
成為代理商 Trying to Be an Agent
Making Presentations
市場分析報告 Market Analysis
市場調查報告 Market Research
行銷計畫 The Marketing Plan
競爭對手分析報告 Competitor Analysis
區域市場分析報告 Overview of the Regional Markets
本地市場行銷計畫 Local Marketing Plans
年度預算 The Annual Budget
融資 Finances
藉款 Borrowing Money
現金流 Cash Flow
成本控製 Cost Control
Public Relations
記者招待會 Press Conferences
接受採訪 An Interview
事故之後 After an Accident
Preparing for Meetings
會議策劃 Conference Planning
安排議程 Scheduling Meetings
日程變動 Changing the Agenda
預訂會議室 Booking a Meeting Room
會議服務 Meeting Services
承辦宴會 Catering
Attending Conferences
開場緻辭 The Opening Remarks
介紹議程 An Introduction to an Agenda
介紹報告主題 An Introduction to a Presentation
Job Interviews
招聘 Recruitment
麵試現場 The Interview
自我介紹 Introducing Yourself
薪資談判 Salary Negotiation
薪酬和福利 Compensation and Benefits
新工作 New Job

How to Use E-mails for Business
PART 1 General Expressions
1 日常通信 Everyday Correspondence
1.常用商務縮寫 Common Business Abbreviations
2.開頭語與結尾語 Openings and Closings
3.緻謝 Expressing Thanks
4.祝福 Expressing Good / Best Wishes
5.道歉 Apologies
6.錶示弔唁 / 慰問 Expressing Condolences
7.錶示同情 Expressing Sympathy
8.邀請 Invitations
9.提醒 Reminders
10.請求幫助 Requesting Help
11.提供幫助 Offering Help
12.提齣建議 Giving Suggestions
13.警告 Giving Warnings
14.提齣意見 Giving Advice
15.贊賞 Appreciation
16.推薦 Recommendations
17.祝賀 Congratulations
18.投訴 Complaints
19.預約 Appointments
20.歡迎 Welcome
21.附件 Attachments
22.取消 Cancellations
2 資訊 Information
23.詢問聯係方式 Asking for Contact Information
24.安排時間 / 製訂計畫 Arranging Time and Making Plans
25.傳達一般的資訊 Conveying Neutral News
26.傳達好消息 Conveying Good News
27.傳達壞消息 Conveying Bad News
28.索取資訊 Requesting Information
29.公告或通知 Announcements or Notices
30.確認郵件 Confirmation Message
31.闡明 Clarification
32.更新 Update
3 請求和批準 Requests and Approvals
33.嚮員工徵求意見 Request for Employee Suggestions
34.申請信用授權(企業對企業) Request for Credit Approval (Business to Business)
35.申請信用授權(消費者對企業) Request for Credit Approval (Consumer to Business)
36.徵求計畫書 Request for Proposal (RFP)
37.申請購買辦公設施 Request for Buying Office Facilities
38.申請延長截止日期 Request for Deadline Extension
39.招標 Request for Bids
40.要求提交預算 Request for Budgets
41.批準員工的意見 Approval for Employee Suggestion
42.批準信用狀(企業對企業) Approval for Credit Application (Business to Business)
43.批準信用狀(企業對消費者) Approval for Credit Application (Business to Consumer)
44.批準計畫書 Approval for Proposal
45.批準購買辦公設施 Approval for Buying Office Facilities
46.批準延長截止日期 Approval for Deadline Extension
47.批準投標 Approval for Bids
48.批準預算 Approval for Budget
4 拒絕 Rejections
49.拒絕意見 Suggestion Rejection
50.拒絕信用狀申請(企業對企業) Credit Application Rejection (Business to Business)
51.拒絕信用狀申請(企業對消費者) Credit Application Rejection (Business to Consumer)
52.拒絕建議 Proposal Rejection
53.拒絕購買辦公設施 Buying Office Facilities Rejection
54.拒絕延長截止日期 Deadline Extension Rejection
55.拒絕投標 Bid Rejection
56.拒絕預算 Budget Rejection
5 態度 Attitudes
57.驚訝 Surprise
58.高興 Gladness
59.感謝和欽佩 Appreciation and Admiration
60.鼓勵 Encouragement
61.關心與關注 Care and Concern
62.錶達祝願 Expressing Wishes
63.錶達意嚮 Stating Intentions
64.指齣重要性 Expressing Importance
65.錶示能力 Expressing Ability
66.請求許可 Asking for Permission
67.應不應該? Should I or Shouldn't I?
68.贊同與不贊同 Agreeing and Disagreeing
69.喜歡與不喜歡 Likes and Dislikes
70.錶達偏好 Expressing Preferences
71.錶示有興趣 Expressing Interest
72.錶示好奇 Expressing Curiosity
73.責備與抱怨 Blaming and Complaining
74.肯定與不肯定 Certainty and Uncertainty
75.可能與不可能 Possibility and Impossibility
76.猜測 Guesses
6 時間和空間 Time and Space
77.時間 Time
78.頻率 Frequency
79.次序和順序 Sequence and Order
80.速度 / 速率 Speed / Velocity
81.同時性 Simultaneity
82.連續性 Continuity
83.位置 Position
84.方嚮 Direction
85.距離 Distance
86.麵積和體積 Area and Volume
7 性質和數 Properties and Numbers
87.形狀 Shape / Form
88.顔色 Color
89.材料 Material
90.感覺 Feelings
91.質地 Texture
92.價值 Value
93.數 Numbers
94.數量 Amount
95.充足與不足 Sufficiency and Insufficiency
96.過量 Excess
97.基礎運算 Basic Arithmetic
98.倍數和百分比 Multiples and Percentages
99.增加和減少 Increase and Decrease
100.基礎測量(長、寬等) Basic Measurements (Length, Width, etc.)
101.近似值和平均值 Approximate Value and Average Value
102.比率和比例 Ratios and Proportions
103.最大值和最小值 Maximums and Minimums
PART 2 Situational Expressions
8 通知 Making Notices
104.通知開會 Announcing Meetings
105.更改開會時間Changing the Meeting Time
106.宣布培訓計畫 Announcement of Training Programme
107.通知放假 Announcing Holidays
108.通知聚會 Announcing Parties
109.費用報銷 Reimbursement of Expenses
110.清理辦公桌政策 Clean Desk Policy
111.新分店開張 Opening a New Branch
112.地址變更 Change of Address
113.閤併 Mergers
114.停電 Power Shutting Down
9 公司介紹 Company Introduction
115.公司介紹——製造業 Company Introduction-Manufacturing Industry
116.公司介紹——旅遊服務 Company Introduction-Tourism Service
117.公司介紹——進齣口公司 Company Introduction-Import & Export Co.
118.公司介紹(簡介) Company Profile (Brief)
119.發布消息 Press Release
120.發布(好)消息 Press Release (Good News)
121.發布(壞)消息 Press Release (Bad News)
122.宗旨聲明 Mission Statement
123.品質控製原則聲明 Policy Statement on Quality Control
10 會議相關的文書寫作 Writing About Conferences
124.會議通知 Conference Notice
125.會議邀請 Invitation to Conference
126.邀請嘉賓做主題發言人 Inviting Someone to be the Keynote Speaker
127.接受邀請 Accepting the Invitation
128.拒絕邀請 Refusing the Invitation
129.會議議程 Conference Agenda
130.會議消息 Conference Message
131.感謝嘉賓發言 Thanks for Making Your Speech
132.提齣邀請 Making an Invitation
133.迴覆邀請 Replying to an Invitation
134.會後聯係 Post-Conference Contact
11 聯係客戶 Connecting with Clients
135.邀請客戶訪問公司 Inviting a Client to Visit the Company
136.客戶的訪問要求 A Client’s Proposed Visit
137.迴覆客戶的訪問要求 Responding to the Proposed Visit
138.更改來訪時間 Changing the Time of the Visit
139.旅館預訂 Hotel Reservation
140.感謝熱情接待 Expressing Gratitude for a Warm Reception
141.訪問後的後續 Follow-up After the Visit
142.緻客戶的第一封電子郵件 First E-mail to a Client
143.請客戶寫推薦信 Asking a Client to Write a Recommendation
12 市場行銷與銷售Marketing and Sales
144.新産品發布 The Launch of a New Product
145.銷售信函(首次接洽) Sales Letter (First Contact)
146.銷售通函 Form Sales Letter
147.銷售信函(根據聯係方式追蹤銷售) Sales Letter (Following a Contact)
148.銷售信函(根據銷售記錄追蹤銷售) Sales Letter (Following a Sale)
149.銷售信函(沉寂的顧客) Sales Letter (Inactive Customer)
150.收賬信函(首次通知) Collection Letter (First Notice)
151.收賬信函(再次通知) Collection Letter (Second Notice)
152.收賬信函(最後通知) Collection Letter (Final Notice)
153.問捲調查1(消費者) Questionnaire 1 - Customers
154.問捲調查2(供應商) Questionnaire 2 - Suppliers
155.問捲調查3(雇員) Questionnaire 3 - Employees
13 貿易與服務 Trade and Service
156.詢問公司的情況 Asking for Information About a Company
157.介紹公司 Introducing a Company
158.詢問産品資訊 Asking for Product Information
159.介紹産品及報價 Introducing Products and Quoting Prices
160.討價還價 Negotiating Prices
161.下訂單 Placing an Order
162.確認訂單 Confirming an Order
163.催貨 Urging Delivery
164.為交貨延遲而道歉 Apologizing for Delayed Delivery
165.催促付款 Urging Payment
166.請求延期付款 Requesting Deferred Payment
167.索取資訊1 Asking for Information 1
168.索取資訊2 Asking for Information 2
169.交貨延遲1 Delivery Delay 1
170.交貨延遲2 Delivery Delay 2
171.瑕疵品 Defective Items
172.價格更正通知 Price Increase Notification
173.不能完成訂單 Unable to Fulfill This Order
174.道歉 Apology
175.道歉與補償 Apology and Remedy
176.道歉與解釋 Apology and Explanation
177.(嚴重的)投訴 Complaint (Serious)
178.(一般的)投訴 Complaint (Basic)
14 人力資源 Human Resources
179.管理階層人事變動的通知 Announcing Changes in Leadership
180.確認升職 Promotion Confirmation
181.升職公告Notification of Promotion
182.歡迎新同事Welcome a New Member
183.解除(僱用)閤約 Terminating the Contract
184.申請批準公費培訓項目 Request for Approval in Sponsoring Training Programme
185.辭職信 Resignation Message
186.請求加薪或升職 Request for Raise or Promotion
15 工作麵試 Job Interviews
187.職位描述(簡介) Job Description (Brief)
188.招聘廣告 Job Advertisement
189.雇主的後續迴信(勝齣的候選人) Employer’s Follow-up Letter (Strong Candidate)
190.雇主的後續迴信(不符閤條件的候選人) Employer’s Follow-up Letter (Unqualified Candidate)
191.僱用通知書 Job Offer Letter
192.推薦信(升職) Recommendation (Promotion)
193.推薦信(有競爭力的候選人) Recommendation (Strong Candidate)
194.推薦信(有保留意見) Recommendation (With Reservations)
16 參加麵試 Participating in Interviews
195.申請函 Application Letter
196.請求寫推薦信 Recommendation Request Letter
197.職位申請書 Application Essay
198.職位接受函 Job Acceptance Letter
199.感謝推薦人 Thank You for Your Reference
200.麵試後的追蹤函 Interview Follow-up Letter
十項全能之一:職場高頻詞匯  Business Vocabulary
公司部門名稱  Company Department Designations
職稱  Addressing a Supervisor
財務類詞匯  Financial Terms
辦公用品名稱  Office Equipment
電腦常用詞匯  Common Computer Terms
網路常用詞匯  Common Internet Terms
行業名稱  Industries and Career Fields
政治詞匯  Political Terms
餐飲詞匯  Food and Beverages
旅行詞匯  Travel
十項全能之二:商務禮儀十大要訣  Ten Keys to Good Business Etiquette
會議  Meetings
電話  The Phone
電子郵件  E-mail
打斷  Interruptions
客戶、顧問和新員工  Guests, Consultants and New Employees
贊賞和認同  Appreciation & Credit
服裝和形象  Dress & Appearance
社交  Social Settings
引薦介紹  Introductions
西餐就餐禮儀  Western Table Manners
總結  Conclusion
十項全能之三:職場英文短句300  Business Spoken English - 300 Sentences
好消息與壞消息  Sharing Good News and Bad News
錶達需求與應答  Expressing and Responding to Demands
發錶意見與應答  Expressing and Responding to Opinions
贊成與反對  Agreeing and Disagreeing
滿意與不滿  Expressing Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction
邀請與接受、拒絕  Making, Accepting and Declining Invitations
推薦與建議  Giving Suggestions and Recommendations
埋怨與指責  Complaining and Criticizing
道歉與迴應  Making and Accepting Apologies
感謝與迴應  Giving and Receiving Thanks
稱贊與祝福  Giving Praise and Blessings
誤會與解釋  Dealing with Miscommunications
不同程度的肯定  Expressing Varying Degrees of Certainty
錶達可能性  Expressing Possibility
十項全能之四:掌握電話技巧  Telephone Skills
接聽電話  Answering the Phone
讓對方等候  Placing the Caller on Hold
篩選來電  Screening Calls
留言 Taking Messages
打電話  Placing a Call
轉接電話  Transferring Calls
十項全能之五:熟悉辦公事務  In the Office
通知  Making Announcements
轉達訊息  Conveying Information
確認  Making Confirmations
匯報工作  Reporting on Work
安排會麵  Booking Appointments
安排上司行程  Creating an Itinerary for the Boss
訂購辦公用品  Ordering Office Supplies
討論辦公設備  Discussing Office Equipment
填寫錶格  Filling out Forms
正式會議程序  Formal Meeting Procedure
和同事建立良好關係  Building Relationships with Coworkers
和主管討論問題  Discussing Concerns with Superiors
十項全能之六:高效組織會議  Meetings and Interviews
設計議程錶  Designing an Agenda
有效地開場  Starting a Meeting Effectively
腦力激盪  Team Brainstorming
提齣論點  Presenting an Argument
讓你的建議被採納  Making Your Suggestion Heard
錶達觀點  Giving Opinions
贊同、反對和妥協  Agreeing, Disagreeing, and Compromising
有效地結束會議  Ending a Meeting Effectively
十項全能之七:拉近客戶關係  Client Reception
首次和客戶會晤  Meeting a Client for the First Time
交換名片  Exchanging Business Cards
交換禮物  Exchanging Gifts
寒暄  Making Small Talk
工作午餐  The Working Lunch
觀光  Sightseeing
考察工廠  Factory Tours
告彆和緻謝  Farewells and Thank
十項全能之八:介紹自己和公司  You and Your Company
自我介紹  Introducing Yourself
介紹上司、同事和訪客  Introducing Your Boss, Coworkers, and Visitors
介紹公司各部門  Introducing Company Departments
介紹你的公司  Describing Your Company
介紹新産品  Introducing a New Product
介紹你的服務  Describing Your Service
對事不對人  Separating the People from the Problem
注意立場背後的利益  Focusing on the Interests Behind the Positions
創造雙贏的選擇  Inventing Options for Mutual Gain
使用獨立的標準  Using Independent Standards
考慮最佳備案  Considering the Best Alternative
演講當天  On the Day of Presentation
滿懷信心的開場  Beginning with Confidence
組織論點  Organizing Your Points
用心迴答問題  Handling Questions with Care
收尾有力  Concluding with Power




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商務英語四書:商務英語口語王、商務英語寫作王、商務英語職場王、商務英語全能王(附贈標準英語朗讀4片MP3) epub 下載 mobi 下載 pdf 下載 txt 電子書 下載 2025

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