1. 本书根据教育部民国八十七年九月公佈之职业学校英文 I 、II 课程标准编写而成。
2. 本书共贰册,各十二课,适合职业学校一年级第一、二学期、每週授课2~4 节、4~8 学分之英文课程教学之用。
3. 本书配合学生学习所需,编纂简易有趣与日常生活相关的内容,包括个人关系、嗜好、兴趣与休闲活动、书信范例、文化习惯、社区关系、现代科技、文学作品介绍等。
4. 每课课文后之字汇(Vocabulary)及片语与惯用语(Idioms and Phrases)系根据其在课文中使用的意义,予以中英文双解,所有字汇皆註明词性,动词标示以及物(v.t)与不及物(v.i),名词则说明可数 [c]与不可数[u],并附有简易例句,帮助学生了解与活用各词汇的正确用法。
5. 为配合实际教学需要,每课之后还包括会话 ( Dialogue )、发音 ( Pronunciation ) 和句型与口头练习 (Sentence Structure and Oral Practice)。会话部份目的在教学生活用课文中出现的文法、字汇及片语,以简易的英语交谈。发音部份则由认识最基本的 K.K.音标、母音及子音的规则与不规则变化 到标准语调练习,希望同学能说一口正确的英语。句型和口头练习系借着将课文中出现的文法规则,由浅入深,由简到繁地作句型结构的分析,并配合口头练习,使学生能熟悉基本文法的 使用原则。
6. 本书每课均附有各类型的习题(Exercises),包括课文内容测验、文意字汇复习、介系词、翻译及 文法。
7. 本书字汇之音标採美国语言学家J.S. Kenyon与T.A. Knott两氏所编着「美语发音字典」(A Pronouncing Dictionary of American English)之K.K.音标。
G. K. Chesterton was a very heavy man with a good sense of humor. One time, when meeting his friend, George Bernard Shaw, Chesterton regarded the playwright’s slim body and said, ”Looking at you, Shaw, people would think there was a famine in England.”
Eyeing the other’s heavy figure, Shaw replied, ”And looking at you, Chesterton, people would think you were the cause of it.”
Old Friends
A businessman was sitting quietly in a restaurant eating his lunch when suddenly a stranger spoke to him.
”Hi, there, Simon!” shouted the man. ”My God, what happened to you? You used to be short, now you’re tall. You used to be blond, and now you’re dark-haired. You used to have blue eyes, and now they’re brown!”
The businessman was polite but firm. ”I beg your pardon, sir, but my name’s not Simon.”
”My God!” exclaimed the other. ”You changed your name, too!”
The Long Speech
At an army welcome party, the arrogant commanding general of the base was delivering a long boring speech. A young second lieutenant, tired of standing, muttered to the woman at his side, ”What a boring old fool he is.”
The woman turned to him at once and asked, ”Lieutenant, do you know who I am?”
”No, I don’t, Ma’am.”
”I am the wife of the ’boring old fool,’ as you call him.”
”Oh, my!” the face of the young lieutenant turned pale. ”Do you know who I am?”
”No, I don’t,” said the general’s wife.
”Thank God!” the lieutenant replied, slipping off into the crowd.
Adapted from Jokes and Anecdotes for All Occasions by Ralph L. Marquard.
Lesson 1
Applying for a Job
Lesson 2
A Visit to the Outpatient Department
Lesson 3
Computers and Our Lives
Lesson 4
Caring for Our Environment: It’s Everybody’s Business
Lesson 5
Come and Jump in Lake Tahoe
Lesson 6
Love for Star Signs: East Meets West
Lesson 7
A Journey to Australia
Lesson 8
Lesson 9
Time for Jokes
Lesson 10
One Person Can Make a Difference
Lesson 11
Understanding AIDS
Lesson 12
Frederic Chopin
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英文 II(一版) pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载