专门替中国人写的英文练习本:中级本上册(附朗读光碟1片、互动光碟1片) pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2024



出版者 出版社:联经出版公司 订阅出版社新书快讯 新功能介绍
出版日期 出版日期:2011/09/07
语言 语言:繁体中文


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  全台狂销 50 万册的《专门替中国人写的英文课本》系列,为了让广大的读者有更多的练习机会,推出《专门替中国人写的英文练习本》!


  《专门替中国人写的英文练习本──中级本上册》针对《专门替中国人写的英文课本──中级本上册》分为 (A)、(B)、(C) 三部分,Part (A) 为课本第 1 课至第 4 课的总复习;Part (B) 为初级本上册课本第 1 课至第 8 课的总复习,Part (C) 为课本第 1 课至第 12 课全册的总复习。每部分 10 回,全书共 30 回。每回包含短文一篇或对话一则,练习题则包括英翻中、填空完成句子、改错、单字配合题练习等。




  秉持「不能让穷孩子落入永远的贫困」的理念,博幼基金会自 92 成立以来,在董事长李家同的带领之下,为弱势家庭的孩子提供免费的课业辅导。七年以来,博幼已做到了让九成以上的课辅学童国三毕业后不中辍,愿意且有能力继续就学。98 与 99 年这二年来,国三毕业的课辅孩子们,基测的平均分数已与当地国中学童的平均分数相近。这已经是相当不错的成果,因为博幼所收的学童大多是属于后段班的,经由每天的课辅,终于将他们拉到了所有学童的平均左右,使得弱势家庭的孩子不必然就是功课不好的孩子。

  博幼目前在南投县埔里镇、信义乡;台中县沙鹿镇;新竹县竹东镇、尖石乡、横山乡、五峰乡;云林县口湖乡、四湖乡;屏东县潮州镇、来义乡等十个乡镇,每週一到週五,每天为 2,221 位【99.06资料】弱势家庭的孩子提供2~3小时免费的课业辅导。未来将继续朝其他偏远地区去,为有课辅需求的弱势家庭提供服务。


专门替中国人写的英文练习本:中级本上册(附朗读光碟1片、互动光碟1片) pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载


Part A-1.Florida Kitchen
Part A-2.Tom’s Brother
Part A-3.Sick Nick
Part A-4.A Broken Car
Part A-5.Christmas Presents
Part A-6.Seeing a Movie
Part A-7.Going to America by Ship
Part A-8.My Classmate
Part A-9.The Old Days
Part A-10.Internet Friends

Part B-1.Uncle Jim’s Paintings
Part B-2.Mike’s Pen
Part B-3.John’s Little Sister
Part B-4.Nick’s Birthday
Part B-5.A Picnic
Part B-6.Isadora Duncan(伊莎朵拉.邓肯)
Part B-7.Our Playground
Part B-8.My Trip to Germany
Part B-9.A Phone Call
Part B-10.A Letter to John

Part C-1.My Birthday
Part C-2.A Letter to Cindy
Part C-3.Eating Dinner
Part C-4.Playing Computer Games
Part C-5.This Summer Vacation
Part C-6.Fran’s Dream
Part C-7.Sunnyland
Part C-8.John Keats(约翰.济慈)
Part C-9.Halloween Party
Part C-10  A Letter to Terry

Part A 解答
Part B 解答
Part C 解答


Part A-1

Florida Kitchen

Do your children like eating? Do they eat fruits and vegetables? Do they drink juice and milk? Or do they only eat junk food and drink soda? Is it difficult for you to find food that they like?

Eating healthy food is important, especially for children. Our restaurant knows this and keeps it in mind when we make meals. We make food that children like, so they will grow tall and strong. Kids like to eat meals at the Florida Kitchen.

• kitchen 厨房
• children 小孩(复数)
• fruit 水果
• vegetable 蔬菜
• junk food 垃圾食物
• soda 汽水
• difficult 困难的
• healthy 健康的
• important 重要的
• especially 尤其;特别
• restaurant 餐厅
• know(knew) 知道;了解
• keep(kept) in mind 记住
• meal 餐点
• grow(grew) 成长
• strong 强壮的
• kid 小孩

1. Do your children like eating?

2. Do they eat fruits and vegetables?

3. Is it difficult for you to find food that they like?

4. Eating healthy food is important, especially for children.

5. Our restaurant knows this and keeps it in mind when we make meals.

1. 你的小孩喜欢玩吗?
________ your children like ________?

2. 你喝果汁和牛奶吗?
________ you ________ juice and milk?
3. 她的女儿吃水果和蔬菜吗?
________ ________ daughter ________ fruits and vegetables?

4. 或是她只吃垃圾食物和喝汽水?
________ does she ________ eat junk food and ________ soda?

5. 找到他们喜欢的食物对你来说困难吗?
________ it difficult ________ you to find food that they like?

6. 吃健康的食物很重要,尤其对小孩子来说。
________ healthy food ________ important, especially ________ children.

7. 他了解这点当他制作餐点的时候。
He ________ this ________ he makes meals.

8. 我的餐厅把这点谨记在心。
________ restaurant ________ this in mind.

9. 她做孩子们喜欢的食物,所以他们将会长得高又壮。
She ________ food that children like, ________ they will ________ tall and strong.

10. 小孩们喜欢在佛罗里达餐厅用餐。
________ like to ________ at the Florida Kitchen.

改错(圈出错误处,并在( )中写出正确的答案)
1. Does her children like playing? (      )

2. Does it difficult for you to find food that children like? (      )

3. Eat healthy food is important. (      )

4. They keeps it in mind when they make meals. (      )

5. She makes food that kids like, so they will grows tall and strong. (      )

1. 小孩(复数) ( )
2. 水果 ( )
3. 蔬菜 ( )
4. 垃圾食物 ( )
5. 汽水 ( )
6. 困难的 ( )
7. 健康的 ( )
8. 重要的 ( )
9. 尤其;特别 ( )
10. 餐厅 ( )
11. 知道;了解 ( )
12. 记住 ( )
13. 餐点 ( )
14. 成长 ( )
15. 强壮的 ( )

a. junk food
b. important
c. difficult
d. keep(kept) in mind
e. strong
f. meal
g. soda
h. fruit
i. restaurant
j. know(knew)
k. grow(grew)
l. especially
m. children
n. vegetable
o. healthy



专门替中国人写的英文练习本:中级本上册(附朗读光碟1片、互动光碟1片) epub 下载 mobi 下载 pdf 下载 txt 电子书 下载 2024

专门替中国人写的英文练习本:中级本上册(附朗读光碟1片、互动光碟1片) epub 下载 mobi 下载 pdf 下载 txt 电子书 下载 2024

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