中英日對譯 圖解科學Q&A pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
出版者 齣版社:三悅文化 訂閱齣版社新書快訊 新功能介紹
翻譯者 譯者: 闕韻哲
出版日期 齣版日期:2012/01/20
語言 語言:繁體中文
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太陽係 / the solar system / 太陽係
假說 / unproved theory / □說
葡萄糖 / grape sugar / □□□糖
氣體.液體.固體 / gas, liquid, solid /□體.液體.固體
骨導音 / bone-transmitted sound / 骨伝導音
紅血球 / red blood cells / 赤血球
食物縴維 / food fiber / 食物縴維
過去.現在.未來 / the past, the present, the future /過去.現在.未來
監修者簡曆 鬆森靖夫 Yasuo Matsumori
英文監譯者簡曆 古傢貴雄 Takao Furuya
1959年生於山梨縣。中央大學文學係畢業、靜岡大學研究所修畢。現任山梨大學教育人類科學係教授。中央大學研究所博士課程修業中。專攻英語教育學、英語語匯學習論、英語教師養成史。主要著作有『□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ □□□□評價《口語溝通 練習與評價》』(一橋齣版)、『英語的授業實踐《英語授課實踐》』(大修館書店)等。
中英日對譯 圖解科學Q&A pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載
Questions about the universe∕宇宙的疑問
1 When and how the universe was born?
宇宙是在什麼時候、經由什麼方式形成的呢? 12
2 What is there at the end of the universe?
宇宙的邊境是如何形成的呢? 14
3 Is there any planet human beings can live on in space?
宇宙中有人類可以居住的星球嗎? 16
4 Why is the sun burning all the time?
太陽為什麼永遠持續地燃燒? 18
5 Why is the earth moving around the sun?
地球為何繞著太陽鏇轉? 20
6 Why is the earth rotating?
地球為什麼會自轉? 24
7 Why are the earth, the sun, and the moon spheres?
為什麼地球、太陽、月亮都是圓的? 26
8 Why don’t people and things on the other side of the earth fall off even though they are upside-down?
為什麼地球另一側的人或事物,上下顛倒卻不會掉落呢? 28
9 Why does the moon change its shape?
為什麼月球的形狀會改變呢? 30
10 Why does the moon keep up with us when we are walking?
為什麼當我們走路,月亮會跟著我們移動呢? 32
11 Why do shooting stars fall?
流星為什麼會移動? 36
12 Why do stars shine?
星星為什麼會發光? 38
Questions about the earth∕地球的疑問
13 Why does the sky look blue?
天空為什麼是藍色的? 42
14 Why are sunsets red?
夕陽為什麼是紅色的? 44
15 Why is seawater salty?
海水為什麼是鹹的? 46
16 Why is a mountain top colder though it is nearer to the sun?
為什麼山頂接近太陽,卻比較寒冷呢? 48
17 How are auroras formed?
極光是怎麼形成的呢? 50
18 Does air have weight?
空氣有重量嗎? 52
19 How do earthquakes happen?
地震是如何引起的呢? 56
20 How were the deserts formed?
沙漠是如何形成的呢? 58
21 Which is colder, the North Pole or the South Pole?
北極或南極,哪一個地方比較寒冷呢? 60
22 Why doesn’t lake water soak into the bottom?
湖水為什麼不會滲入地底? 62
23 Why are snow crystals hexagonal?
雪的結晶為什麼呈六角形? 64
24 Why does it snow though the temperature is not below 0 degrees C?
氣溫不到零度以下,為什麼會下雪呢? 68
Questions about creatures∕生物的疑問
25 Why did the dinosaurs die out?
恐龍為什麼會滅絕? 72
26 Why do animals have two sexes, male and female?
動物為什麼有雌雄的分彆? 74
27 Why can sparrows perch on electric wires?
為什麼麻雀可以平安無事地停在電綫上? 76
28 Why do migratory birds fly in a V-fomation?
候鳥為什麼呈V字型飛行? 78
29 Fish don’t close their eyes but don’t they sleep?
魚的眼睛無法閉闔,是不睡覺嗎? 82
30 Why can salmon live both in the sea and the rivers?
為什麼鮭魚可以同時生活在海洋與河川中? 84
31 Don’t lions become sick though they eat only meat, not vegetables?
獅子隻吃肉類而不吃蔬菜,為什麼不會生病呢? 86
32 Why do sunflowers always face to the sun?
嚮日葵的花為什麼會朝著太陽的方嚮生長呢? 88
33 Why don’t penguins live in the North Pole?
為什麼北極沒有企鵝? 92
34 Why do ants walk in line?
螞蟻為什麼會排成一列行走? 94
35 Why aren’t deep-sea fish crushed under water pressure?
為什麼深海魚類不會因為強大的水壓而被壓碎? 96
36 Why do leaves turn red in autumn?
到瞭鞦天,樹葉為什麼會變成紅色? 98
Questions about human body∕人體的疑問
37 Did human beings evolve from apes?
人類是由猴子演化而來的嗎? 104
38 Why must all human beings die?
人類為什麼一定會死亡? 106
39 Why isn’t the human body covered with hair like dogs or cats?
人類為什麼不會像貓、狗一樣,全身覆蓋著毛發? 108
40 Why do you shed tears when you are sad?
為什麼悲傷的時候會流眼淚? 110
41 Why can you drink many glasses of beer in a short time?
為什麼啤酒能夠一杯接著一杯地喝? 112
42 Why does alcohol make people drunk?
喝瞭酒,為什麼會酒醉? 114
43 Why are feces brown?
排泄物為什麼是咖啡色的呢? 118
44 Why do we dream?
人類為什麼會作夢? 120
45 Why do we have fever, cough, and a sore throat when we catch cold?
感冒的時候,為什麼會發燒、咳嗽、喉嚨痛呢? 122
46 Why does a headache go away with medicine taken through the mouth?
為什麼口服藥可以治療頭痛? 124
47 Why doesn’t the stomach wall dissolve in stomach acid?
為什麼胃壁不會被胃酸溶解? 126
48 Why does the head hurt after eating shaved ice?
為什麼吃冰之後會産生頭痛? 128
49 Why do you have white hair?
為什麼頭發會變白? 132
50 Where do baby’s feces go in the mother’s body?
腹中胎兒的糞便,要如何運送到母體? 134
51 Why don’t human beings breathe in water?
人類在水中為什麼無法呼吸? 136
52 How do you find a criminal by a fingerprint?
為什麼利用指紋就可以找齣犯人? 138
53 Why don’t we see things double though we have two eyes?
為什麼我們有兩隻眼睛,卻隻看得見一個物體呢? 140
54 Why can you see clearly with glasses?
為什麼戴眼鏡纔能看得清楚呢? 142
55 How do you check the blood types, A, B, O, and AB?
要如何判彆A、B、O、AB四種血型? 146
Questions about the things around us∕身體周遭的疑問
56 Why can microwave ovens heat up food?
為什麼微波爐可以溫熱食物? 150
57 Why do eggs get hard when they are boiled?
為什麼雞蛋煮熟之後會凝固? 152
58 Why does plastic cling film stick to something?
保鮮膜為什麼可以緊緊地包覆著? 154
59 Why do tears come in your eyes when you slice an onion?
切洋蔥的時候為什麼會流眼淚? 156
60 Why does food go bad?
食物為什麼會腐敗? 158
61 Why is a drainpipe s-shaped?
排水管的形狀為什麼是S型的呢? 160
62 What is the real color of shrimps?
蝦子原本應該是什麼顔色呢? 164
63 What is the difference between fish with white meat and fish with red meat?
白身魚與紅身魚有什麼不一樣? 166
64 Why do things burn when they are set on fire?
為什麼點火之後,物品會燃燒? 168
65 Why don’t pickled plums go bad though they are not dry?
為什麼醃梅乾即使不乾燥也不會腐敗? 170
66 Why water changes to ice when it is cooled?
為什麼將水冷卻之後會結成冰? 172
67 Why does it get cold in the refrigerator?
為什麼冰箱可以冷卻? 174
68 How can you see yourself in a mirror?
為什麼鏡子會反射齣影像? 178
69 How does detergent remove dirt?
洗潔劑是如何清潔髒汙的? 180
70 Why can erasers erase letters?
為什麼橡皮擦可以擦掉字跡? 182
71 Why can an iron smooth wrinkles?
為什麼用熨鬥可以燙平皺摺? 184
72 Why does a magnet attract iron?
為什麼磁鐵會吸附在鐵上? 188
73 Why does it become white when light’s three primary colors are mixed?
為什麼將光的三原色混閤之後,會形成白色? 190
74 Why don’t you get burned in a sauna bath?
為什麼在三溫暖裏不會燙傷? 192
75 Why do clock hands move to the right?
時鍾的指針為什麼是往右鏇轉呢? 194
76 Why does a playback of your recorded voice sound strange?
為什麼自己錄音過後的聲音會改變? 198
77 How are cell-phone connected?
行動電話是如何聯結的? 200
78 How can airplanes fly?
為什麼飛機可以飛? 202
79 Is it possible to make a time machine?
時光機器有可能製造得齣來嗎? 206
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