Preface to the Taiwanese Translation of Augustinus
It is with great pleasure that I see the newly accomplished Taiwanese translation of my introduction into the study of Augustine going back to the year 1995. I published it at that time with the strong feeling that, so far, a specifically philosophical presentation of Augustine’s thought was absent, particularly in Germany. In the years before the publication of the book it became somewhat fashionable to criticize Augustine for his alleged argumentative weaknesses and shortcomings, as well as for the so-called fatal consequences of his theory of sin, grace, and predestination. So I simply tried to present Augustine objectively, without negative prejudices, and in all of his intellectual attractiveness: and I am still absolutely convinced that he is an excellent thinker. Although he was not the first Christian philosopher, he should be seen as the first one having an eminent importance as an original and thorough author. He is on the same level as the most brilliant representatives of the Western tradition: Plato and Aristotle, Aquinas and Duns Scotus, Descartes and Leibniz, Kant and Hegel. With his innumerous writings Augustine in fact covers the majority of the most important topics of philosophy. Later Christian philosophers, especially those of the Medieval and Early modern period, owe a lot to Augustine, and most of them openly acknowledge that debt.
The little book was and is meant to inform its readers in a neutral, but benevolent way about Augustine’s thought. I very much hope that it might inspire younger scholars and philosophers in Taiwan to take studies on Augustine seriously.
Augustinian scholarship is now a worldwide enterprise, and we currently see a growing number of interesting contributions to research coming from East Asia.
I wish to thank Professor Dr Yip-Mei Loh was her intense and careful work with the translation from German into Taiwanese. Yip-Mei Loh is an extremely diligent scholar in her studies on Classical Greek philosophy and on Early Christian thought, and her German is brilliant. So I am very grateful that she did this challenging job.
Bonn, September 2020 Christoph Horn
這本小書以一種不偏頗且善意的方式,是為瞭介紹讀者有關奧古斯丁的思想。 我非常希望它能激發颱灣年輕的學者和哲學傢認真地研究奧古斯丁。奧古斯丁的學術研究現已成為一項全球性的事業,並且我們目前看到來自東亞的這項研究逐漸對它做齣瞭越來越多值得關注的貢獻。
裏斯多夫‧ 霍恩