4 序―—莫道桑榆晚,為霞尚滿天∕黃光男
6 總編輯序―—承先啟後,繼往開來∕林詠能
8 主編序―—博物館的公共性與社會性∕陳尚盈
10 作者簡歷
14 緒論 博物館與政策
Introduction: Museums and Policies
◎ 陳尚盈
20 後博物館的想像
Post-Museum Imagination
◎ 廖世璋
33 文化平權政策與博物館
Cultural Equality and Museum
◎ 王俐容、吳介祥
46 博物館法的製定與發展之探討
To Discuss the Formulation and Development of the Museum Act
◎ 廖凰玎
62 我國博物館相關法規的演變與分析―—從社會教育法到博物館法
An Analysis and Evolution of Related Laws and Regulations on Museums in Taiwan --
from Social Education Act to Museum Act
◎ 劉新圓
76 變與不變―—博物館治理政策的抉擇與挑戰
To Chang or Not to Change? Investigation into the Challenges
and Choices of Policies for Museum Governance
◎ 曾信傑
102 Museum Governance : An Historical Account of
Museum Trustee Behaviour
◎ Ruth Rentschler,譯者∕施彥如,校譯∕陳尚盈
128 閉館如何持續營運?
How Do Close Museums Continuously Operate?
The Extreme Challenge of Museum’s Sustainable Development
(An Example of National Museum of History, Taiwan)
◎ 廖新田
143 補助的必要性:檢視美英臺之博物館補助政策
The Necessity of Subsidies: Reviewing the Subsidy Policies for
Museums in the US, UK and Taiwan
◎ 林玟伶
160 博物館的績效評鑑製度與設計
Performance Evaluation for Museums
◎ 林詠能、田潔菁