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学历:国立高雄师范大学英语教学研究所 博士
本书精选收录历届统测(2001-2018)最高考频之『字根』与『核心字汇』。内容包含五大部分,共计88个单元,152个字根,578个核心字汇。『字根』部分,依据英美中小学的『字根习得顺序』建议,将统测最高考频『字根』依『习得优先顺序』由浅入深,渐次编排。『核心字汇』及其衍生字词部分,参考国内各大 升学暨英文检定考试,依『由易至难』原则,依次排序。适合自学入门、国中资优生、高职生及全国教师课堂使用。
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Unit 1 fic, fit = to do 做
Unit 2 fect = to do 做
Unit 3 fin = end, boundary 最后;范围
Unit 4 port = to carry, gate 拿;带;门
Unit 5 cre, crea(s) = to grow 增长
Unit 6 duc, duct = to lead 引导
Unit 7 part = part, to part 部分;分开
Unit 8 fer = to bring, to carry 带;拿
Unit 9 spec, spect = to look, to see 看
Unit 10 vis, vic, vid, view = to see 看
Unit 11 pos, posit, pon = to put 放
Unit 12 mis, miss, mit = to send 送
Unit 13 tin(u), tain = to hold, to keep 握;抓
Unit 14 gen, gener = by birth, to produce 出生;产生
Unit 15 serv = to serve, to keep 服务;保留
Unit 16 act, ag = to do 做
Unit 17 tend, tens = to stretch 伸展
Unit 18 cept, ceive, cip, cap = to take, to seize 拿;抓
Unit 19 form = to form, form 形成;形式
Unit 20 lect, leg, lig = to choose, to gather 选择;收集
Unit 21 ven, vent = to come 来
Unit 22 st = to stand 站;立
Unit 23 st, sta = to stand 站;立
Unit 24 stand, stead, stabl = to stand 站;立
Unit 25 sid, sit, sess = to sit 坐
Unit 26 ply, ploy, plex, pli(c) = to fold 重叠;折叠
Unit 27 quest, quir = to seek, to search 寻求;询问
Unit 28 str(u), struct = to build 建立
Unit 29 pet, peat = to seek 追寻;寻求
Unit 30 prov, prob = to try, to examine 试;检验
Unit 31 circ, cycl = ring, circle 环;圈
oper = to work 做
Unit 32 sign = mark, to mark 标记
tact = to touch 接触
Unit 33 fact, feat = to make, to do 做
eco = house 家
Unit 34 us = to use 使用
ordin = order 顺序
Unit 35 grad, gress, gree, gred = to walk 走
velop = to wrap 包
Unit 36 ceed, cess = to go 走
erg = energy 能量
Unit 37 popul, publ = people 人
cit = city 城市
Unit 38 mov, mot = to move 动
journ = day 日;天
Unit 39 muni, mon = to share 分享
cuss = to shake 摇动
Unit 40 vers, vert = to turn 转
vinc = to conquer 征服
Unit 41 cour, cord = mind 心
suad = to advise 建议
Unit 42 dic, dict, dit = to say 说
bat = to beat 打;击
Unit 43 fort, ford, force = strong, luck 强壮的;好运
tect = to cover 盖上
Unit 44 flu = to flow 流
viv = life 活
Unit 45 sci = to know 知道
plor = to flow 流
Unit 46 man, manu, main = hand, to hold out 手;维持
sult = to leap 跳
Unit 47 proper, propri = of one’s own 适当的;己有的
par = equal 相等
Unit 48 stress, strict, strain = to tighten 拉紧
flict = to strike 打击
Unit 49 cogn, gnor, not = to know 知道
sum = to take 拿;取
Unit 50 gree = to please 取悦
volunt = will 意志
Unit 51 ject = to throw 投掷
fus = to pour 流
Unit 52 lat, lay = to bring, to carry 带
nect = to bind 连结
Unit 53 clud, clus = to close 关闭
vari = diverse 不同的
Unit 54 sent = to send 送出
cred = to believe, to trust 相信
Unit 55 vac, van, void = empty 空
point = to point 点
Unit 56 valu, vail = worth, strong 价值;强壮的
pha = to appear 出现
Unit 57 rect = straight, right 直;正
mand, mend = to order, to entrust 命令;委託
Unit 58 poss, potent = capable 有能力的
alter = to change, other 改变;其他的
Unit 59 term = boundary 边界
ann = year 年
Unit 60 solv, solut = to loosen 松开
lief, liev = to lighten 变轻
Unit 61 tract = to draw 拉
imag = to imagine 想像
Unit 62 sens, sent = to feel 感觉
rat = to think 思考
Unit 63 reg = to rule 统治
dom = house 家
Unit 64 ment, mind = mind, to think 心智;思考
spir = to breathe 唿吸
Unit 65 nat = by birth 天生;出生
pass = to pass 通过
Unit 66 memor, member = to remember 记忆
temper, tempor = time 时间
Unit 67 cover = to cover 掩盖
loc = place 地方
Unit 68 cid, cis = to cut 切
pend, pens = to hang 悬挂
Unit 69 terr = to frighten 怕
cid, cas = to fall 落下
Unit 70 fail, fault = to err 犯错
limit = threshold 门槛
Unit 71 preci = value 价值
fam, fant = to speak 说
Unit 72 gest, ger = to carry 带;运
simil, sembl = alike 类似
Unit 73 graph, gram = to write 写
medi = middle 中间
Unit 74 habit, hibit = to hold 拿
soci = to associate 结交
Unit 75 par, pair = to get ready 准备
divid = to divide 分开
Unit 76 press = to press 挤压
lax, leas, lys = to loose 放松
Unit 77 spond, spons = to promise 允诺
tribut = to give 给予
Unit 78 uni = one 单一
prim, prin = first, chief 第一;首要的
Unit 79 sist = to stand 站
volv, volu = to roll, to turn 卷;转
Unit 80 cur, cours = to run 跑
cur = to care, to cure 照料;治疗
Unit 81 med = to heal 治疗
nour, nutri = to nourish 营养
Unit 82 cap = head, to seize 头;抓拿
plet, pli = full, to fill 满;填满
Unit 83 put = to think 思考
pris, pret = to catch 抓住
sect = to cut 切
Unit 84 par, pear = to come in sight 使看见
vi = way 道路
mount = mountain, to ascend 山;向上
Unit 85 hum = ground 土
found = base 基础
cult = to till 耕种
Unit 86 fid = to trust 相信
opt = to choose, to wish 选择;希望
mir = to wonder 使惊奇
Unit 87 pati, pass = to suffer 忍受
treat = to handle 处理
scrib, script = to write 写
Unit 88 pun, pain = to punish 处罚
ident = the same 相同
extr(a) = beyond 超出
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字首字根字尾 统测必考字汇 epub 下载 mobi 下载 pdf 下载 txt 电子书 下载 2025
字首字根字尾 统测必考字汇 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
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