2.具权威性的内容:资料蒐集自The Cambridge Learner Corpus,根据全世界参与Cambridge ESOL Exams的考生最常犯的错误整理编写而成,并以双语对照方式编排。
3.考试自修两相宜:适合全民英检初级、中级、升学学测,以及Cambridge ESOL Exams (KET)考试,亦适合欲提升英语实力者自修使用。
Liz Driscoll
本书作者Liz Driscoll早年在义大利米兰的英国文化协会分会担任六年的英语教师与师训讲师,并开始撰写英语学习教材。返回英国后,在Macmillan Heinemann ELT从事英语教材编辑工作。之后又投入法国、西班牙、巴西等地的英语教师培训课程,着作有:Vocabulary in Practice 5&6、Reading Extra、Common mistakes at PET。
1. When do I use full stops and when do I use commas?
何时用句点?何时用逗号? 5
2. When must I use I ? 何时一定要用I? 7
3. When can I use an apostrophe before s (‘s)?
在s前面,何时能用符号表示( ’s)? 9
TEST 1 11
4. Do I need a in this sentence? 这个句子里需要用a吗? 14
5. A or the? 用a或the? 16
6. Do I need the in this sentence? 这个句子里需要用the吗? 18
TEST 2 20
7. How do I talk about age? 怎么谈年龄? 23
8. How do I say the time and the date? 怎么说时间和日期? 25
9. When do I add s to verbs? 动词后面何时加s? 27
TEST 3 29
10. When do I add ed to verbs? 动词后面何时加ed? 33
11. did or I have done? 用I did或I have done? 35
12. For and since For 和 since 37
TEST 4 39
13. When do I use I am doing? 何时用I am doing? 42
14. When do I use I will? 何时用I will? 44
15. How do I form questions? 如何形成问句? 46
TEST 5 48
16. there and it/ they there 和 it/ they 52
17. Plural and uncountable nouns 复数名词与不可数名词 54
18. When do I use much and many? 何时用much 和many? 56
TEST 6 58
19. like, would like and want like, would like 和want 61
20. Do or to do? 用do或 to do? 63
21. When do I use doing after verbs? 何时在动词后面用doing? 65
TEST 7 67
22. other, others, another and each other other, others, another和 each other 70
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剑桥英语常见错误:初解 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载