房志荣神父 / 辅仁圣博敏神学院教授
曾庆导神父 / 辅仁圣博敏神学院教授
刘振忠总主教 / 天主教台湾地区主教团教义委员会主任委员
杰姆.克罗格神父(James H. Kroeger, MM)
玛利诺会会士,着作等身,在马尼拉罗耀拉神学院(the Loyola School of Theology)、东亚牧灵学院(East Asian Pastoral Institute)、生命的母亲教理讲授中心(Mother of Life Catechetical Center)教书。
50篇短文揭开梵二50年的面纱/房志荣 003
梵二大公会议后的旅程/曾庆导 005
译者序 007
Introduction/导言 016-17
Chronicle of Vatican II/梵二编年 20-21
Sixteen Vatican II Documents/梵二的十六个文件 24-25
1 Introducing Vatican Council II/认识梵二 26-27
2 Vatican II: Startling Statistics/梵二:一些令人惊奇的数字 28-29
3 John XXIII: Father of the Council/若望廿三世:梵二之父 30-31
4 The Wit and Wisdom of John XXIII/若望廿三世的风趣和机智 32-33
5 Two Pillars of Renewal/革新的柱石 34-35
6 Paul VI: Faithful Servant/保禄六世:忠仆 38-39
7 Christ, the Human Face of God/基督── 天主的人性面貌 40-41
8 Paul VI, Mary and the Church/保禄六世、圣母与教会 42-43
9 Fostering Liturgical Renewal/促成礼仪革新 44-45
10 Renewing the Vision of the Church/更新教会的视域 46-47
11 The Word of God: Source of Renewal/天主圣言:革新的泉源 48-49
12 Christians Engaging the Modern World/对现世有承担的基督徒 50-51
13 Reformability of the Church/教会的可改革性 52-23
14 Attention to God's Word/聆听天主的圣言 54-55
15 Cardinal Augustin Bea, Jesuit Biblical Scholar/贝亚枢机──耶稣会圣经学者 58-59
16 Religious Freedom/宗教信仰自由 60-61
17 Active Role of the Laity/平信徒的积极角色 62-63
18 Cardinal Yves Congar, Dominican Theologian/道明会神学家孔格枢机 64-65
19 Universal Call to Holiness/普遍的成圣召叫 68-69
20 Living the Paschal Mystery/活出逾越奥蹟 70-71
21 Church: Community of Compassion/教会:慈爱的团体 72-73
22 Appreciating Diversity in the Church/欣赏教会内的多元性 74-75
23 Ecumenism: Collaboration among Christians/大公主义:基督徒间的合作 76-77
24 Dialogue with Other Religions/与其他宗教的交谈 78-79
25 Cardinal Suenens, Author of Reform/改革的作者──薛能枢机 80-81
26 Vatican II and the Eucharist/梵二与感恩圣事 82-83
27 The Church's Social Mission/教会的社会使命 84-85
28 Rufino Cardinal Santos/桑托斯枢机 86-87
29 Media for Evangelization/媒体传福音 90-91
30 Leadership in the Church/教会内的领导职务 92-93
31 Promoting Christian Education/推动基督徒教育 94-95
32 Religious Life Today/今日的修会生活:教会内的特别神恩 96-97
33 Cardinal Newman and Vatican II/纽曼枢机与梵二 98-99
34 Ecumenical Observers at Vatican II/梵二的大公观察员 100-101
35 Vatican II and the Role of Women/梵二与妇女的角色 102-103
36 Women Observers at Vatican II/梵二的妇女观察员 104-105
37 The Church's Missionary Identity/教会的传教本质 108-109
38 Family: The Domestic Church/家庭:小教会 110-111
39 Universal Sacrament of Salvation/普遍救恩的圣事 112-113
40 Vatican II, War and Peace/梵二、战争与和平 114-115
41 The Church as Servant/作为仆人的教会 116-117
42 Paul VI Addresses Council Fathers/保禄六世致大会教长词 118-119
43 Vatican II Speaks to Civil Rulers/梵二的致执政者书 120-121
44 Message to Academics and Scientists/致学者与科学工作者书 122-123
45 The Council Speaks to Artists/大会致艺术工作者书 124-125
46 Council Message to the Poor, Sick and Suffering/大会致穷人、病患及受苦者书 126-127
47 Message to Workers/致工人书 128-129
48 Message to the Youth/致青年书 130-131
49 Implementing Vatican II/落实梵二 132-133
50 A Compass for the Future/未来的指南 134-135
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