大英节烈、血染未央宫DVD pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
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《大英节烈》 大英节烈又名《铁弓缘》,老妇陈氏与女儿陈秀英开设茶馆维生,太原总阵石须龙之子石文见陈秀英貌美,欲强取之,适匡忠路过劝解,始各散去。陈母邀匡忠至店中,命秀英备茶接待,两人互生好感。匡忠取茶馆壁上铁弓试演,陈母见其武艺不错,遂将秀英许之。 石文心有不甘,唆使其父设计陷害匡忠,发配边疆,匡忠劝陈氏母女投奔二龙山王富刚,陈月英反假冒王富刚之名,与太行山关伯龙、关月英父女结交,引兵攻打太原,经一番冒名混战,终于解消误会,与匡忠阵前团圆。 《血染未央宫》 《未央宫》又名《斩韩信》。汉初边关陈豨造反,刘邦亲往征讨,委吕后监,临行犹再三谆嘱,注意韩信举动。而后吕后发现韩信与陈豨两处均有函札往来,乃与萧何定计,诓韩信入未央宫,诬以私犯圣驾之罪斩首。
A Woman of Chastity A Woman of Chastity is also called A Match by an Iron Bow. Chen, an old lady, and her daughter Xiu-ying manage to make a living by running a tea shop. Shi Wen, son of Shi Xu-long, the governor of Taiyuan, forces Xiu-ying to accompany him when he sees the beautiful girl. Kuang Zhong who happens to pass by to help resolve the crisis. Old lady Chen thus invites Kuang Zhong to her tea shop and orders Xiu Ying to serve the guest some tea. The two have a favorable impression of each other. Kuang Zhong takes off the iron bow hanging on the wall of the tea shop to try and show his skill in martial arts. When the old lady sees that Kuang Zhong is a skilled fighter, she willingly gives Xiu-ying’s hand to the young man. On the other hand, Shi Wen is not reconciled, so he urges his father to falsely incriminate Kuang Zhong and exile him to the borderlands. Before leaving, Kuang Zonog advises the mother and daughter to seek shelter from Wang Fu-gang at Er-long Mountain. Chen Yue-ying, under the name of Wang Fu-gang, befriends Guan Buo-long and his daughter Guan Yue-ying of Tai-hang Mountain and leads the troops to attack Taiyuan. After some ensuing chaos caused by the impersonation, all the misunderstandings are resolved, and the couple reunites at the front line. Wei-yang Palace in Blood Wei-yang Palace is also called The execution of Han Xin. In the beginning of the Han Dynasty, Chen Xi rebels at the borderlands, and Liu Bang himself undertakes a punitive expedition. Before he leaves, he asks Queen Lu to take charge and advises her to pay attention to Han Xin. Queen Lu then finds that Han Xin and Chen Xi have been writing to each other. So she and Xiao He come up with a scheme to lure Han Xin to Wei-yang Palace in order to execute him with the false allegation of trespassing against the emperor.
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大英节烈、血染未央宫DVD epub 下载 mobi 下载 pdf 下载 txt 电子书 下载 2025
大英节烈、血染未央宫DVD epub 下载 mobi 下载 pdf 下载 txt 电子书 下载 2025
大英节烈、血染未央宫DVD pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
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大英节烈、血染未央宫DVD pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载