跟叶太学英文 4 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
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叶刘淑仪(Regina Ip)
1972年毕业于香港大学英文系,获一级荣誉学士学位。她求知若渴,分别在不同的人生阶段修读了三个硕士学位课程:格拉斯哥大学文学硕士(主修文艺复兴时期诗歌)、史丹福大学史隆管理课程硕士和史丹福大学东亚研究文学硕士。她在1975年加入香港政府,其后晋升至保安局局长,于2003 年离职。她从美国进修回港后,在2006年7月成立「汇贤智库」,2008年9月当选第四届立法会直选议员,2012年及2016年成功连任,并于2012年及2017年获委任为行政会议非官守成员。2011年1月,叶刘淑仪创立「新民党」,并担任党主席。2015年9月,叶刘淑仪牵头与21 世纪海上丝绸之路沿线省市及海外华侨在港代表团体合作成立了「海上丝绸之路协会」。2012年及2017年,叶刘淑仪先后两次参加行政长官选举。
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自序 6
Foreword 9
Part 1时事短评
保守党的交棒时机 14
英语当中的航海比喻 16
法兰克福的烦恼 18
英式精英主义病入膏肓? 20
脱欧与英美关系 22
挣扎的中产 24
渔人得利的爱尔兰 26
满招损 30
拖得就拖的意式风情 33
小杜鲁多魅力不再? 35
比特币与凯恩斯选美博弈 37
大国代理的战场 39
兑现承诺的总统 41
山雨欲来风满楼 43
以酷刑逼供的女局长 45
朝鲜的Catch-22 47
撒野的超级大国 49
愚弄美国百姓的贸易战 51
忠言逆耳 54
阶级运动 56
细味歌词 60
忘年经典――柯德莉夏萍 62
翻译之难 64
漫画文学 66
文艺狂想 68
语带双关的歌词 70
临摹经典 72
Part 2 政论英语
Reclamation in mainland waters real game changer 78
Why Hong Kong should celebrate the breakthrough in science funding from the mainland 88
Singapore’s strong leadership leaves Hong Kong trailing in education, technology and the economy 97
From trade war to a clash of civilisations: how China and the West can avoid major confrontation 107
Amid the US-China trade war, Hong Kong should be selling the benefits of its special status to Washington 116
Budget misfire, Paul Chan is throwing billions at Hong Kong’s problems, but offering no real solutions 125
Carrie Lam must take on the MTR corporate behemoth to protect Hong Kong public interest 134
Don’t be fooled by the free-market mantra. Hong Kong’s economic fortunes have changed dramatically in 25 years 143
Mother-tongue language policy: how Hong Kong failed where Singapore succeeded 154
Land supply consultation is just a charade – the Hong Kong government plans to cut a deal with developers 163
Why Hong Kong is no Singapore when it comes to housing and will struggle to catch up 173
Hong Kong must not sacrifice the public interest in deals with landowners 182
Does Carrie Lam support Hong Kong’s courts when they promote individual rights, or back Beijing? 192
Hong Kong’s Chinese and Western influences must coexist if“one country, two systems”is to work 201
Why using Chinese tradition to oppose same-sex marriage in Hong Kong is misguided 210
Hong Kong vs UK interests: there was only one choice for colonial officers 219
Three reasons Hong Kong’s extradition bill should garner support from foreign governments 225
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