用美國小學課本學好英文單字(附MP3 CD) pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
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★ 內容原汁原味,淺顯易懂
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★ 每個核心單詞搭配插畫,幫助形象記憶
Matthew Chin 晉安佑
用美國小學課本學好英文單字(附MP3 CD) pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載
※God-made Objects and Man-made Objects 上帝創造的東西和人類創造的東西
※Plants 植物
※Are They Insects? 它們是昆蟲嗎?
※You Hear Sounds 你聽到的聲音
※Different Animals 不同的動物
※Mammals 哺乳動物
※How Are Animals Different? 動物有哪些不同?
※How Do Animals Grow and Change? 動物是怎樣成長變化的?
※Keeping up with the Dinosaurs 關注恐龍
※Black Widow Spider 黑寡婦毒蛛
※Starfish 海星
※Personal Safety 個人安全
※Your Body Digests Food 身體如何消化食物
※The Body Needs Oxygen and Gives off Carbon Dioxide
※How to Care of the Teeth 如何保護好牙齒
※Water as a Solid 固態的水
※Chemical Change 化學變化
※Molecules, Atoms, and Elements 分子、原子和元素
※From Electrons to Electric Current 從電子到電流
※Rainstorms, Thunder and Lightning 暴風雨和雷電
※Stars We See 我們看到的星星
※Comparing Earth and Venus 比較地球和金星
※I Love My Country 我愛我的祖國
※A Nation of Immigrants 移民之國
※Symbols of My America 美國的標誌
※Yellowstone Park on Fire! 黃石國傢公園著火瞭!
※Citizens Now 現在是公民瞭
※Great People 偉大的人
※Alexander Graham Bell 亞曆山大·格雷厄姆·貝爾
※A Great Woman 一位偉大的女性
※Save the Earth! 拯救地球!
※Save the Turkeys! 拯救火雞!
※Sweet Home 溫馨的傢
※Message in the Sky 來自天上的信號
※Merry-go-rounds 鏇轉木馬
※Scarecrows Then and Now 稻草人的發展史
※Baseball 棒球
※Basketball 籃球
※Floor Exercises for Gymnasts 自由體操
※Libraries 圖書館
※News Magazines 新聞雜誌
※Fun with Photography 攝影的樂趣
※The Civilizations of Maya 瑪雅文明
※The Farming Revolution 農業改革
※Words Around the Nation
※Sight Words 常見字匯
※Consonant Blends 輔音連讀
※Clean up the Fragments 整理殘缺句子
※Letter Writing 寫信
※Personal Narrative 自我描述
※Nothing but Net 球網
※Tennis Lingo 網球術語
※Basketball Talk 籃球大傢談
※Before the Game 比賽前
※Pregame Warm-up 賽前熱身
※Place Value 數字的位元值
※Rounding: Hundreds and Thousands 百位和韆位的四捨五入
※Two Ways to Pay Cent & Dollar 用美分和美元支付的兩種方法
※Number Signal 數字提示
※Estimating 概算
※Multistep Problems 多重運算題
※Problem Solving 應用題
※Snack Time 零食時間
※Fraction and Decimal Equivalents 分數和小數的等式
Roots are the part of the plant that is in the ground. The roots of the plant hold the plant in the ground. On each root are tiny root hairs. These tiny root hairs grow into the soil. They take in water and minerals. The plant uses water and minerals to make food. Without water and minerals, the plant cannot grow.
Now look at a plant’s stems. These stems are like tiny pipes. Water and minerals can travel through the stem. The stem takes water and minerals to the leaves, where the plant’s food is made.
Stems are many different sizes. The big tree trunk is a stem. The stem of a cabbage plant is so short that you may not see it. Vines are a kind of stem. The tiny tubes in the stem of a celery plant are easy to see.
The leaves of green plants have tiny openings in them. To see these openings, you will need the help of a microscope.
A microscope makes things look much bigger than they really are.
The tiny openings are important to help the plant grow. Carbon dioxide, a gas from the air, enters the leaf by the openings. Carbon dioxide is given off by people and animals when they breathe.
When plants use carbon dioxide, they give off a gas called oxygen. People and animals need oxygen to live. Some of the water in the plant is given off through the leaves. Carbon dioxide goes into the leaves of the plant through tiny openings like those in this picture.
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用美國小學課本學好英文單字(附MP3 CD) pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025
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用美國小學課本學好英文單字(附MP3 CD) pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載