他者视线下的地方美感:大英博物馆藏台湾文物 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
出版者 出版社:国立台湾大学出版中心 订阅出版社新书快讯 新功能介绍
出版日期 出版日期:2018/09/10
语言 语言:繁体中文
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在举世闻名的大英博物馆中,收藏了大约370件早期台湾文物,其中绝大多数是原住民的物品。这些藏品难得地留存了珍贵的过去物质生活讯息,也唿应了早期台湾与西方接触互动的片段历史。人类学者胡家瑜教授和欧尼基(Niki Alsford)博士特别精选了其中的165件文物,进行入藏历史脉络解说和图像介绍,期盼这些保存在遥远他方的文化遗产,与台湾社会重新连结。
Chia-yu Hu is Professor of Anthropology in the Department of Anthropology at National Taiwan University. She acquired her PhD degree from the UCL, University of London. She has engaged in teaching and researching of material culture, museum and heritage issues for a long time. Her main interests are in studying Taiwan ethnological collections and Taiwan indigenous cultures, as well as applying research results for contemporary cultural revitalization. She is the author of Material Cultural of the Saysiyat: Tradition and Transformation (1996), Studies on Ino’s Collection at the Department of Anthropology of National Taiwan University (1998), A Collection of Archival Documents from Taokas Sinkang Village (1999), Treads of Splende: Taivon Pingpu Clothes and Embroidery Collections (2014), The Saysiyat (2015), Artifacts, Forms and Taiwan Indigenous Art: Miyagawa Jiro’s Collection in the Museum of Anthropology at National Taiwan University (2015), etc.
欧尼基(Niki Alsford)
欧尼基博士为英国中央兰开夏大学语言与国际研究学院、亚洲太平洋研究所副教授,以及韩国国际研究中心主任。他同时也是伦敦大学亚非学院台湾研究中心的研究员。欧尼基自亚非学院取得东亚现代史博士学位,研究焦点着重于十九世纪晚期至二十世纪初期的台湾社会史。他近期的着作包括:Transitions to Modernity in Taiwan: The Spirit of 1895 and the Cession of Formosa to Japan (Routledge, 2017)、〈尘封的瑰宝:伦敦大学亚非学院特藏台湾原住民族档案〉(2017)、发表于Paul Woods所编辑的The Shaping of Christianity in China (2017)一书的Torn Between Two Worlds: Rev. Shoki Coe, Domesticity, and the Taiwanese Self-Determination Movement,以及与Bernhard Fuehrer 共同发表在Translation Studies 1:1 (2017): 137-182期刊中的Carstairs Douglas (1830-1877) and his Chinese-English Dictionary of the Vernacular or Spoken Language of Amoy (1873)。
Dr. Niki Alsford is Reader in Asia Pacific Studies and Director of the International Institute of Korean Studies. He is also Research Associate at the Centre of Taiwan Studies at SOAS, the University in London. He received his PhD in Modern East Asian History from SOAS and his research is grounded on late-nineteenth and early-twentieth century Taiwan social history. His most recent publications include: Transitions to Modernity in Taiwan: The Spirit of 1895 and the Cession of Formosa to Japan (Routledge, 2017); Buried Treasurers: Taiwan Indigenous Peoples’ Archives Held at the School of Oriental & African Studies, the University of London (2017); Torn Between Two Worlds: Rev. Shoki Coe, Domesticity, and the Taiwanese Self-Determination Movement, a chapter in Paul Woods’s The Shaping of Christianity in China (2017); and Carstairs Douglas (1830-1877) and his Chinese-English Dictionary of the Vernacular or Spoken Language of Amoy (1873), which he co-wrote with Bernhard Fuehrer for Translation Studies 1:1 (2017): 137-182.
他者视线下的地方美感:大英博物馆藏台湾文物 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载
推荐序 / 吴密察 Foreword / by Mi-cha Wu
编者序 / 胡家瑜 Preface / by Chia-yu Hu
图版目次Table of Image Plates
图表目次Table of Figures
凡例 Formats
普世博物馆与跨国流动的文物:大英博物馆藏台湾物质文化遗产 / 胡家瑜 Universal Museum and Artifacts Crossing Borders: Taiwanese Material Heritage Preserved at the British Museum / by Chia-yu Hu
生命记忆的唿唤:博物馆藏品与台湾原住民族连结之重启 / 欧尼基
A “Living”Reminder: Reconnecting Museum Collections to Taiwan’s Indigenous Peoples / by Niki Alsford
藏品图说 / 胡家瑜Interpretation of Artifacts / by Chia-yu Hu
I.衣服与织品 Costumes and Textiles
II.服饰配件与首饰 Ornaments and Accessories
III.竹籐草编器 Basketries and Matting Objects
VI.木器与其他生活用具 Wood and Other Daily Objects
I.大英博物馆台湾藏品清单 List of the Taiwan Collections at BM
II.参考书目 References
他者视线下的地方美感:大英博物馆藏台湾文物 epub 下载 mobi 下载 pdf 下载 txt 电子书 下载 2025
他者视线下的地方美感:大英博物馆藏台湾文物 epub 下载 mobi 下载 pdf 下载 txt 电子书 下载 2025
他者视线下的地方美感:大英博物馆藏台湾文物 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025
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他者视线下的地方美感:大英博物馆藏台湾文物 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载