湯瑪斯. 羅瑞茨基
是當代波蘭詩人及翻譯傢,1970年生於波蘭西南部西裏西亞的奧波萊省, 該地區揉閤多元文化, 獨樹一幟。他於剋拉科夫亞捷隆大學研究羅馬語言, 同時翻譯法國詩歌, 曾翻譯斯特凡. 馬拉美的《孤注一擲絕不會破壞偶然》, 並於 2005 年齣版。羅瑞茨基著有詩集《祖國》( 1997)、《靈魂》( 1999)、《郊外小捨》( 2001)、《世界與反世界》( 2003) 及長篇敍事詩《十二車站》( 2004), 作品佳評如潮。《十二車站》勇奪「高捷斯基奬」, 令羅瑞茨基廁身波蘭最重要詩人之列;「高捷斯基奬」為錶揚 40 歲以下的波蘭作傢的最高文學榮譽, 著名波蘭作傢斯瓦沃米爾. 莫羅熱剋、齊彆根紐. 赫伯特及亞當. 紮加耶夫斯基亦曾得奬。《十二車站》是一首長篇的悲喜詩劇, 故事採用傢族第三代代錶的視角, 講述第二次世界大戰後, 這位第三代代錶聚閤瞭半世紀以前被驅逐齣波蘭東部的傢族成員, 眾人重迴故土,舉行傢庭聚會, 並尋找於 1945 年埋於土下的教會大鍾。「高捷斯基奬」的評審團深受感動, 認為《十二車站》反映「省域與傢族傳統間的有趣距離, 同時熱情地歌頌省域和傢族傳統」, 足以媲美波蘭民族史詩《塔杜斯先生》。在2004 年,羅瑞茨基首三本著作輯錄成《詩集》問世, 最新著作有《殖民地》( 2007)、《鏇轉之書》( 2010) 及《動物寓言集》( 2012)。《殖民地》收錄 77 篇詩作, 包括〈海港的酒館〉、〈火土〉及〈肉桂與丁香〉, 詩題大都富有異國情調, 跟詩中描寫波蘭鄉郊的日常生活及憂鬱思緒, 構成瞭強烈的對比。羅瑞茨基的作品獲翻譯成多種歐洲語言,先後於德國、法國、意大利、英國及斯洛伐剋齣版,最近更由西風齣版社於美國齣版作品選集《遺忘的鑰匙》及《殖民地》英譯版( 美娜. 羅森泰譯)。羅瑞茨基得奬無數, 榮獲「剋日什托夫. 卡密爾. 巴申斯基奬」及《文學筆記本》頒贈的「約瑟夫. 布羅茨基奬」, 並曾兩度獲提名波蘭權威文學大奬「尼刻奬」。羅瑞茨基亦不時參與國際詩歌節, 包括「2000年歐洲文學薈萃」及「剋拉剋夫與休士頓夏日詩歌研討會」( 2004)。羅瑞茨基與傢人現居於傢鄉奧波萊巿。
Tomasz Różycki, a contemporary Polish poet and translator, was born in 1970 in Opole (Silesia, the southwestern part of Poland, a region that bears the mark of a distinct mixture of cultures). Różycki studied Romance languages at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. Alongside his work he translated poetry from French, publishing a translation of Stéphane Mallarmé’s Un coup de dés jamais n’abolira le hasard in 2005. He is the author of five collections of poems to great acclaim: Vaterland (1997), Anima (1999), Chata umaita (2001), Świat i antyświat (2003), and the long epic poem Dwanaście stacji (2004), for which he was awarded the Kościelski Prize, the most prestigious literary prize for Polish writers under forty. He thus joined the ranks of Poland’s most important writers, among them Sławomir Mrożek, Zbigniew Herbert, and Adam Zagajewski. The long, tragic-comic poem tells the story of a family gathering from the perspective of a third generation representative, post World War II. He gathers together all the members of his family who were expelled from Poland’s eastern regions half a century ago with the aim of revisiting their place of origin and of seeking out the church bells buried in 1945. The poem, compared by critics to the national epic Pan Tadeusz, moved the jury with its “humorous distance, but also warmly depicted praise, of the province and of family tradition.” In the same year, a collection of Różycki’s first three volumes appeared under the title Wiersze (Poems, 2004). His latest work, Kolonie (2007), brings together seventy-seven poems whose exotic titles such as Tawerna w porcie (Tavern at the Harbour), Ziemia Ognista (Fire Earth), and Cynamon i goździki (Cinnamon and Cloves) present a striking contrast to the depictions of everyday Polish country life and the melancholic thoughts they contain. His work has been translated into numerous European languages, and The Forgotten Keys: Selected Poetry of Tomasz Różycki and Colonies (translated by Mira Rosenthal) have just been published by Zephyr Press in USA. His latest books are Księga obrotów in 2010 and Bestiarium in 2012. His poems have been translated and published in Germany, France, Italy, Great Britain, and Slovakia. He has received the Krzysztof Kamil Baczyński Prize, the Joseph Brodski Prize from Zeszyty Literackie, and has been nominated twice for the Nike Prize, Poland’s most important literary award. He has participated in the Literaturexpress Europa 2000, the Krakow-Houston Summer Poetry Seminar (2004), and other international poetry festivals. He lives in his native city Opole with his wife and two children.
The Volcano
Sitting and watching planes wage war against
the towers, martyrs wage their holy war
against commuter trains and gyms, against
children. Then lying down to watch the flood
in live installments, using the remote
to put the world in order, browsing. trying
to dodge the murderer, the shark, learning
results from viewer surveys on the death
penalty. Napping, taking in the great
pawning of god. And seeing everyone
so tiny and cartoonish. how they fall,
get up, and fall again. Then turning off
the sound and picture, turning off my breath,
my heart would not turn off, I fell, I fell.
(Translated by Mira Rosentbal)
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