養生豆漿喝健康(中英對照) pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載 2025



出版者 齣版社:人類智庫 訂閱齣版社新書快訊 新功能介紹
出版日期 齣版日期:2014/11/07
語言 語言:繁體中文


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梁慧敏 Ivy Liang


劉建承 Liu Jiancheng

  2004 第三屆中國藥膳名師 金牌奬
  2009 颱灣風味料理廚藝挑戰賽 優勝奬
  2010 颱灣美食展國內邀請賽會前賽 優勝奬

陳冠廷 Chen Guanting

  2010 第一屆至善盃豆乾健康創意料理大賽金牌奬
  2010 大同盃國際中華美食茶餐及茶藝比賽第三名
  2010 高雄易牙美食節全國美食擂颱賽金鼎奬&模範廚師大奬
養生豆漿喝健康(中英對照) pdf epub mobi txt 電子書 下載


Make Your Own Strong and Tasty Soymilk
The Introduction of Soymilk Family
Steps for Making Homemade Soymilk
A Good Leftover~the Magical Effect of Okara
Making Plain Soymilk
The Q&A of Soymilk Dishes

Healthy Soymilk for the Family
燕麥牛奶豆漿 *加強骨本、預防便祕
Oat Milk with Soymilk *increase bone density and prevent constipation
花生黑豆豆漿 *紓壓解疲、保護心血管
Peanut Black Bean Soymilk *relieve stress, get rid of fatigue, protect the cardiovascular system
薑汁豆漿 *發汗散寒、改善手腳冰冷
Ginger Soymilk *help to sweat, shake off the cold, improve cold hands and feet symptoms
腰果核桃豆漿 *益智健腦,提升體力
Cashew and Walnut Soymilk *activate the brain, boost the brain power, renew physical vigour
綠豆燕麥豆漿 *清熱降火、補血保肝
Mung Bean and Oat Soymilk *clear the inner heat, replenish the blood, nourish the liver
五行養生豆漿 *潤燥滑腸、養顔益膚
Five-element Healthy Soymilk *moisturize the body, nourish intestinal tract, maintain young, nourish the skin
紅豆芋頭豆漿 *健脾消腫、預防便祕
Red Bean Taro Drink *strengthen the spleen, induce diuresis to alleviate edema, prevent constipation
花豆燕麥豆漿 *強化心髒機能、改善便祕
Kidney Bean and Oat Soymilk *strengthen the heart function, improve constipation
黑豆芝麻糯米豆漿 *烏黑秀發、補腎護腰
Black Bean, Black Sesame, and Glutinous Rice Soymilk *make the hair glossy and black, nourish the kidney
枸杞豆漿 *滋養肝腎、明目補血
Chinese Wolfberry Soymilk *nourish the liver and kidney, improve eyesight, replenish the blood
紅豆薏仁豆漿 *美白養顔、預防心血管疾病
Red Bean and Chinese Pearl Barley Soymilk *whiten the skin, maintain young, prevent the cardiovascular disease
小麥胚芽豆漿 *排毒抗老、促進細胞活力
Wheat Germ Soymilk *detoxify, fight aging, activate cells
五榖雜糧豆漿 *滋養五髒、促進新陳代謝
Grain Soymilk *nourish the organs, accelerate metabolism
綠豆蕎麥豆漿 *清熱退火、預防腦中風
Mung Bean and Buckwheat Soymilk *clear the inner heat, prevent a stroke
三色豆漿 *清熱利尿、健脾補血
Triplet Soymilk *clear the inner heat, induce diuresis, strengthen the spleen, replenish the blood
黑豆蓮子豆漿 *補血益氣、養心安神
Black Bean and Lotus Seed Soymilk *replenish the blood, supply the energy, nourish the heart, calm the nerves
栗子豆漿 *補中益氣、抗氧化
Chestnut Soymilk *strengthen the digestive system, supply the energy, provide anti-oxygenation
山藥薏仁豆漿 *清熱潤燥、保護腸胃
Yam and Chinese Pearl Barley Soymilk *clear the inner heat, moisturize the body, protect the gastrointestinal system
雪蓮子牛奶豆漿 *潤腸助消化、改善更年期癥狀
Garbanzo Bean Milk *lubricate the intestines, enhance the digestive system, improve the symptoms during the climacteric period
鹹豆漿 *滋陰潤燥,增強體力
Salty Soymilk *replenish the blood,moisturize the body, enhance physical vigour
黑芝麻杏仁豆漿 *潤腸通便、防動脈硬化
Black Sesame and Almond Soymilk *lubricate the intestines, helps defecate smoothly, prevent atherosclerosis
南瓜豆漿 *增進視力、預防感冒
Pumpkin Soymilk *improve eyesight, prevent the cold
抹茶豆漿布蕾 *降糖減壓、預防癌癥
Green Tea Soymilk Brulée *reduce blood glucose, relieve stress, prevent certain cancers
花生南瓜籽豆漿 *通乳補血、消炎止瀉
Peanut and Pumpkin Seed Soymilk *increase lactation, replenish the blood, diminish inflammation, stop diarrhea
蓮子銀耳豆漿 *淨化血管、潤腸排毒
Lotus Seed and Snow Fungus Soymilk *purify the blood vessels, lubricate and purify the intestines
綠豆大米豆漿 *調和五髒、降火解毒
Mung Bean and Rice Soymilk *coordinate the organs, clear the inner heat, detoxify
紅豆麥片豆漿 *潤腸通便、補血養顔
Red Bean and Wheat Flake Soymilk *lubricate the intestines, help to defecate smoothly, replenish the blood, maintain young
花生紅棗豆漿 *益氣補血、增強免疫力
Peanut and Jujube Soymilk *supply the energy, replenish the blood, enhance the immune system
亞麻籽芝麻豆漿 *益智健腦、防止老化
Linseed and Sesame Soymilk *activate the brain, boost the brain power, fight aging
豆漿拿鐵 *提神醒腦、幫助消化
Soymilk Latte *refresh the mind, enhance the digestive system
花生百閤豆漿 *通乳補血、養心安神
Peanut and Bulbus Lilii Soymilk *increase lactation, replenish the blood, maintain the mind, calm the nerves
草莓蜂蜜豆漿 *養顔美容、促進腸道排毒
Strawberry and Honey Soymilk *maintain beauty and keep young, strengthen the detoxification of the intestinal tract
Tips for Making Tofu Pudding and Ricemilk

Healthy Tofu Pudding and Ricemilk
原味豆花 *增加骨質密度、保護心血管
Plain Tofu Pudding *increase bone density, protect cardiovascular system
薑汁花生豆花 *祛寒暖身、抗老防衰
Tofu Pudding with Ginger Juice and Peanut *dispel coldness, warm the body, fight aging
綠豆薏仁豆花 *促進代謝、滋潤養顔
Tofu Pudding with Mung Bean and Chinese Pearl Barley *accelerate metabolism, nourish the skin, maintain beauty
八寶豆花 *養血安神、補充能量
Tofu Pudding with Eight Treasures *nourish the blood, calm the nerves, supply the energy
芋頭粉圓豆花 *開胃生津、提升免疫力
Tofu Pudding with Taro and Pearl *work up an appetite, promote the secretion of saliva, enhance the immune system
紅豆沙蓮子豆花 *保護心血管、抗腫消炎
Tofu Pudding with Red Bean Paste and Lotus Seed *protect cardiovascular system, reduce swelling, diminish inflammation
芋圓地瓜圓豆花 *增加元氣、促進腸胃蠕動
Tofu Pudding with Taro and Sweet Potato Balls *increase the energy, stimulate bowel peristalsis
核桃糊豆花 *緩解疲勞、活化腦力
Tofu Pudding with Walnut Paste *get rid of fatigue, activate the brain
雞蛋布丁豆花 *促進代謝、修護細胞組織
Tofu Pudding with Egg Pudding *accelerate metabolism, repair the celluar tissue
抹茶布丁豆花 *提升新陳代謝、降膽固醇
Tofu Pudding with Green Tea Pudding *accerlate metabolism, reduce cholesterol
紅豆紫米米漿 *利尿消腫、健脾補血
Red Bean and Black Glutinous Rice Ricemilk *induce diuresis to alleviate edema, strengthen the spleen, replenish the blood
原味花生米漿 *生肌養血、防止老化
Plain Ricemilk with Peanut *promote the growth of muscle, nourish the blood, fight aging
杏仁糙米漿 *滑腸通便、潤肺止喘
Brown Ricemilk with Almond *lubricate the intestines, helps defecate smoothly, nourish the lung, inhibit asthma
黑木耳桂圓米漿 *溫經活血、淨化腸道
Ricemilk with Tree Fungus and Longan *warm the meridian system, activate the blood circulation, purify the intestinal tract
地瓜燕麥米漿 *促進血液循環、預防便祕
Ricemilk with Sweet Potato and Oat *increase the blood circulation, prevent constipation
薏仁黑糯米漿 *增進麵色紅潤、改善貧血
Ricemilk with Black Glutinose Rice and Chinese Pearl Barley *make the skin ruddy, improve anemia
桂圓枸杞米漿 *補氣養血、改善視力
Ricemilk with Longan Meat and Chinese Wolfberries *supply the energy, nourish the blood, improve eyesight
綠豆小米花生糙米漿 *清熱健胃、促進肝腎排毒
Brown Rickmilk with Mung Bean, Millet and Peanut *clear the internal heat, strengthen the stomach, accerlate the detoxification of the liver and kidney
堅果黑豆糙米漿 *潤腸通便、延緩衰老
Brown Ricemilk with Nut and Black Bean *lubricate the intestines, helps defecate smoothly, delay aging
紅麥仁米漿 *保護心血管、增強免疫力
Ricemilk with Husked Wheat *protect the cardiovascular system, strengthen the immunity system
八寶糙米漿 *滋陰補血、補中益氣
Ricemilk with Eight Treasures *nourish Yin to improve deficiency of the body, replenish the blood, strengthen the digestive system, supply the energy
南瓜玉米糙米漿 *健胃防癌、保護眼睛
Brown Ricemilk with Pumpkin and Corn *improve the condition of stomach, prevent certain cancers, prevent eye diseases
十榖米漿 *健脾開胃、增加免疫力
Ricemilk with Ten Grains *strengthen the spleen, work up an appetite, enhance the immune system
五榖花生糙米漿 *促進新陳代謝、排毒抗老化
Brown Ricemilk with Five Grains and Peanut *accelerate metabolism, detoxify the body, fight aging
堅果米漿 *美容潤膚、幫助消化
Ricemilk with Nut *nourish the skin, maintain beauty, enhance the digestive system
美味豆漿高湯製作 *素豆漿高湯、葷豆漿高湯
Making Luscious Soy Stock *Vegetarian Soymilk Stock, Non-Vegetarian Soymilk Stock

The Variety of Healthy Soymilk Cuisines
豆漿什菇小米粥 *增進食慾、活化免疫係統
Millet Porridge with Soymilk and Mushrooms *work up an appetite, activate the immune system
豆漿拉麵 *補養元氣、調整體質
Soymilk Ramen *regain and nourish the energy, adjust physical condition
豆漿蝦仁蒸蛋 *安定神經係統、預防骨質疏鬆
Steamed Egg with Soymilk and Shelled Shrimp *stablize the nerve system, prevent osteoporosis
豆漿鹹粥 *降血壓、預防腸癌
Salty Porridge with Soymilk *reduce blood pressure, prevent intestinal cancer
豆漿火鍋 *滋補強身、美化肌膚
Soymilk Hot Pot *nourish and strengthen the body, make the skin gorgeous
雪菜肉絲豆腐腦 *幫助消化、清熱解毒
Tofu Pudding with Pickled Mustard Greens and Shredded Pork *enhance the digestive system, relieve the inner heat, detoxify the body
豆渣優格沙拉捲 *腸道保健、預防心腦血管疾病
Salad Roll with Okara and Yogurt *protect the intestinal tract, prevent cerebrovascular and cardiovascular diseases
豆酥彩椒炒飯 *補充營養、調整身體機能
Fried Rice with Sweet Pepper and Bean Crisp *supply nutrients to the body, adjust the functions of the body
菩提鮮菇湯 *調節血脂、通腸潤便
Vegetarian Soup with Fresh Mushrooms *regulate blood lipid, lubricate the intestines, helps defecate smoothly
豆漿山藥雞盅 *消除疲勞、強身健體
Chicken Pot with Soymilk and Yam *get rid of fatigue, strengthen the body and make it healthy
豆漿南瓜濃湯 *強健脾胃、預防糖尿病
Pumpkin Soup with Soymilk *strengthen the spleen and stomach, prevent diabetes
豆皮奶油焗烤花菜 *提升抵抗力、恢復體力
Baked Broccoli with Bean Curd Sheets and Butter *enhance the resistance to diseases, regain physical strength
附 錄 Appendix
Healthy and Nutritional Benefits of Mixed Grains
The Operation and Maintenance of a Soymilk Maker
A Variety of Sugar for Seasoning Soymilk




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