如何用英文解释中华文化 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 2025



出版者 出版社:崧烨文化 订阅出版社新书快讯 新功能介绍
出版日期 出版日期:2019/01/25
语言 语言:繁体中文


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本书主要有以下特色:第一,作者权威。本书作者均具备丰富的英语教学与实践经验,熟悉中华文化内容,了解英语导游工作的实际需要。第二,选材丰富,内容实用。本丛书所选内容都是老外感兴趣的话题,涉及中国文化和导游工作的方方面面,具有较强的知识性和趣味性。第三,语言地道、简练。我们专门聘请外国专家审校,确保本丛书语言符合英语习惯,容易被外国游客理解;另外本丛书尽量避免使用晦涩难懂的生词和繁复的句式,而是选用常用词和简练的语句,使其口语化,适合讲解。 本书既是英语辅导的好帮手,也是广大英语爱好者不可多得的知识读本。


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前言  Preface

历史与地理  History and Geography
在中国的文化史上有哪四大发现?  What four great discoveries have been made in the course of Chinese civilization?
什么是「九州」?  What is jiuzhou?
什么是「郡、县」?  What is jun and xian?
什么是「国」?  What is guo?
什么是「道」?  What is dao?
什么是「路」?  What is lu?
什么是「省」?  What is sheng?
中国有哪十大风景名胜?  What are the ten major scenic sights in China?
人们对中国的部分景点有哪些赞美之词?  What are some popular sayings praising some of China's scenic sights?
中国名山的名称是怎样得来的?  What are the origins of the names of famous mountains in China?
中国以前有哪些主要朝代?  What are the major dynasties of ancient China?
怎样简述中国领土和行政区域?  Will you give us a brief introduction of the Chinese territory and administrative divisions?

天文与时令  Astronomy and Seasons
中国古代早期的天文发展是什么样的情况?  What is the early history of ancient Chinese astronomy?
中国古代人们一般怎样看待天文?  How popular was astronomy in ancient China?
什么是三垣、四象、二十八宿?  What are 3 yuan, 4 xiang and 28 xiu?
什么是上古、中古、三古?  What are the Remote Ancient Times, the Middle Ancient Times and the Three Ancient Times?
什么是阴历?  What is the Chinese lunar calendar?
什么是「黄历」和「皇历」?  What are the “Huang Di Almanac” and the “Imperial Calendar?”
什么是节气?  What is jieqi?
什么是天干、地支?  What are tiangan and dizhi?
什么是生肖?  How does the Chinese Zodiac work?

汉字的产生与演变  Origin and Evolution of Chinese Characters
汉字是怎样演变的?  How have Chinese characters evolved?
你能告诉我一些今体汉字的情况吗?  Could you tell me something about the modern styled characters?
汉字是怎样构成的?  What elements are used to define Chinese Characters?
学习汉字难吗?  Is it difficult to learn Chinese characters?
拼音是什么时候出现的?  When was pinyin introduced?

姓名的由来  Origin of Chinese Names
你能讲讲有关中国姓氏的来历吗?  Could you tell me something about the origin of Chinese surnames?
有些早期的姓氏是怎样出现的?  What are the origins of some early Chinese surnames?
什么是《百家姓》和《千家姓》?  What are The Hundred Family Surnames and The Thousand Family Surnames?
请讲一讲「名」的事宜,好吗?  Please tell me something about Chinese given names.
在中国,常用的称谓有哪些?  What are some common titles and forms of address in China?
「丈夫」这个称谓是怎样出现的?  What is the origin of zhangfu?
「太太」这个称谓是怎样出现的?  What is the origin of taitai?

古代婚姻  Chinese Marriage in Ancient Times
怎么解释「婚姻」二字?  Could you explain the Chinese words hunyin?
中国古代婚姻有什么礼节?  What were the rituals of Chinese marriage in ancient times?
中国不同朝代的婚龄是一样的吗?  What was legal age to marry in ancient China?
中国古代妇女是为何开始裹脚的?  Why did women begin to have their feet bound in ancient China?
以前妇女裹脚的情况是怎样的?  How did the women have their feet bound in ancient China?
妇女裹脚是如何终止的?  How was the custom of foot-binding discontinued?
「设男女之大防」是怎样出现的?  How did gender segregation begin?

传统服饰  Ancient Chinese Clothes
汉代之前的中国传统服饰是什么样式?  What did ancient Chinese clothes look like before the Han Dynasty?
自汉朝起古代中国传统服饰发生了什么变化?  What changes in ancient Chinese traditional clothes have happened since the Han Dynasty?
现在传统样式的衣服仍然受欢迎吗?  Are the traditional-style clothes still popular now?
有关裙子的出现有什么传说吗?  What are the legendary stories about the origin of the skirt?
旗袍是怎样出现的?  Could you tell me the origin of qipao?
你对古代帝王服装知道多少?  How much do you know about the emperors' clothing in ancient China?
古代官员穿的是统一颜色的袍服吗?  Did ancient officials wear robes in the same color?
你可以告诉我中山装是怎么出现的吗?  Could you tell me the origin of the Sun Yatsen Suit?

饮食  Chinese Food
请你略谈一下中餐,好吗?  Could you give me a briefing on Chinese food?
你可以再谈谈中餐吗? Could you give me some more information about Chinese food?
历史上烹调发展的概况是什么?  How has Chinese cooking evolved throughout history?
你对清代皇帝进膳的情况知道多少?  How much do you know about imperial meals prepared for the emperors of the Qing Dynasty?
阴阳特点与中餐有什么关系?  How is yin and yang featured in Chinese food?
你对中餐中的豆类食品知道多少?  How much do you know about soy bean foods in China?

传统酒文化  Chinese Alcohol Culture
中国人在喝酒时有哪些礼节?  How do Chinese behave when drinking?
在饮酒时,人们玩什么游戏?  What drinking games do people play?
酒对中国文化有影响吗?  Have alcoholic beverages exerted any influence on Chinese culture?
你能讲讲中国历史上禁酒的情况吗?  Has there been any prohibition against drinking alcohol in Chinese history?
中国有哪些名酒?  What famous liquors are there in China?

品茶  Chinese Tea Culture
请你简要谈谈茶,好吗?  Could you give me a briefing on Chinese Tea?
饮茶有什么好处吗?  What are the benefits of tea drinking?
请你谈谈饮茶的礼节,好吗?  Could you tell me someting about Chinese tea etiquette?
你对古代茶的发展了解多少?  How did tea develop in ancient China?
如何选茶叶,怎样沏绿茶?  How to select tea and how to brew green tea?
你对中国的茶具了解多少?  What can you tell me about Chinese teapots?
中国有哪些名茶?  What well-known teas are there in China?

风俗习惯  Traditional Customs
什么是麒麟?  What is Chinese unicorn?
什么是凤凰?  What is phoenix?
什么是龙?  What is dragon?
什么是龟?  What is tortoise?
「紫气东来」有什么含义?  What does “the purple cloud coming from the east” mean?
为什么人们常常倒贴「福」?  Why is the Chinese character “happiness” often pasted upside down on a door or a wall?
红、黄颜色有什么特点? What are the implications of red and yellow colors?
祝寿送寿桃的由来是什么?  Why do people often give longevity peaches to express birthday good wishes?
民间四大传说讲的是什么?  What are the four great legends about?
什么是「八仙」?  Who are the Eight Immortals?
灶神的由来是什么?  What is the origin of the Kitchen god?

传统节日  Traditional Festivals
「年」是怎么来的?  What is the origin of nian?
人们在春节前和春节期间主要做些什么?  What do people mainly do before and during the Spring Festival?
关于门神的由来有什么传说?  What are the legends about the origins of the Door god images?
为什么人们要在春节时放爆竹?  Why do people set off firecrackers during the Spring Festival?
你对元宵节知道多少?  How much do you know about the Lantern Festival?
端午节是怎样产生的?  What is the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival?
什么是清明节?  What is the Clear and Bright Festival?
什么是中秋节?  What is the Midautumn Festival?

古代科举  Imperial Examination System in Ancient China
什么是科举考试?  What is the Imperial Examination System?
你对科举考试还了解多少?  How much more do you know about the Imperial Examination System?
科举制度的优点和缺点是什么?  What were the advantages and disadvantages of the Imperial Examination System?
你对唐朝以后的学校了解多少?  How much do you know about the ancient schools after the Tang Dynasty?
什么是「四书五经」?  What are “The Four Books and the Five Classics”?
古代社会有哪四个等级?  What were the four classes in the ancient Chinese society?

不同朝代的文化发展  Cultural Development in Ancient China
新石器时代文化发展的概况是什么?  Could you tell me about the culture in the Neolithic times?
夏、商、周文化发展的概况是什么?  Could you tell me about the culture in the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties?
秦、汉文化发展的概况是什么?  Could you tell me about the culture in the Qin and Han dynasties?
六代文化发展的概况是什么?  Could you tell me about the culture during the Six Dynasties?
隋、唐文化发展的概况是什么?  Could you tell me about the culture during the Sui and Tang dynasties?
宋朝文化发展的概况是什么?  Could you tell me about the culture in the Song Dynasty?
元朝文化发展的概况是什么?  Could you tell me about the culture in the Yuan Dynasty?
明、清文化发展的概况是什么?  Could you tell me about the culture in the Ming and Qing dynasties?
古建筑风格  Ancient Chinese Architecture
中国原始社会房屋建筑的概况是怎样的?  How did primitive dwellings evolve?
中国进入阶级社会时的房屋建筑有什么变化?  What were the housing changes as classes emerged in Chinese society?
汉朝末年中国建筑有什么特征?  What were the features of ancient Chinese architecture by the end of the Han Dynasty?
从唐朝到清朝房屋建筑的概况是怎样的呢?  How did architecture evolve from the Tang to the Qing Dynasty?

古建筑如何反映了封建社会里的等级制? How did ancient buildings reflect the social system of feudal China?
古建筑的色彩有什么特点?  What role did color play in ancient Chinese architecture?
你能讲讲亭台楼榭吗?  Could you tell me something about towers and pavilions?

道教与佛教  Daoism and Buddhism
老子和庄子是谁?  Who are Lao Zi and Zhuang Zi?
什么是《道德经》?  What is Dao De Jing?
你对道教了解多少?  How much do you know about Daoism?
什么是神仙?  What are shen and xian?
什么是佛教?  What is Buddhism?
你能简要介绍一下佛教在古代中国的早期发展吗?  Could you give me a brief introduction of Buddhism in the early years of ancient China?
佛教在古代中国的什么时候处于旺盛时期?  When did Buddhism flourish in ancient China?
什么是净土宗?  What is the Pure Land Buddhism?
什么是禅宗?  What is the Zen Sect of Buddhism?
什么是天台宗?  What is the Tiantai Sect of Buddhism?
什么是华严宗?  What is the Huayan Sect of Buddhism?

附录  Appendices
购物  Shopping
去购物的路上  On the Way to Stores
在丝绸店  In a Silk Store
在书画市场  At a Painting and Calligraphy Market
在陶瓷市场  At a Pottery and Porcelain Market
在玉器店  At a Jade Store
在中药店  At a Herb Store
部分景点细节描述范例  Highlights of Some Famous Scenic Spots
天安门广场  Tian'anmen Square
故宫部分大殿  Some Main Halls in the Palace Museum
天坛  The Temple of Heaven
颐和园的部分描述  Description of Some Parts in the Summer Palace
云冈的部分石窟  Parts of Yungang Grottoes
西安郊外  Environs of Xi'an
登泰山  Ascending Mt.Taishan
洛阳白马寺  The White Horse Temple in Luoyang
南京明孝陵和中山陵  The Mingxiaoling Tomb and Sun Yatsen Mausoleum out of Nanjing City
部分苏州园林  Some Gardens in Suzhou
九寨沟部分景点  Some Scenic Attractions in Jiuzhaigou Valley
家训集览  Traditional Family Instructions
夫妇之际,人道之大伦  The Relationship Between Husband and Wife Is the Great Moral Relationship of Human Ethics
纳少者,谓之淫  Remarrying a Young Woman Reflects a Lack of Morality
兄弟相处之日最长  Brothers Spend the Longest Time Together
四海皆兄弟  All Within the Four Seas are Brothers
奔死免父,孝也  It Is Filial Piety if by Returning I Will Exempt Our Father from Death
不孝者有五  The Five Traits Unfit for Sons
骨肉之亲  The Flesh and Blood Relationship
为子之道  The Way of a Son
事事立个章程  Set Up Rules for Everything
治家之法  Way of Household Management
节俭持家  Economical Housekeeping
勤劳为本  Industry Is the Foundation
勤督训子女  Constantly Educate Children
爱之当教之  Those Who Love Their Children Should Educate Them
伯俞有过  Bo Yu Makes a Mistake
君子之道,修身为上  The Gentleman's Way Is to Cultivate His Moral Character
人需要立志  People Need to Make a Resolution
求君子之道  Seek the Way of a Gentleman
太宗谓皇属  Taizong's Words to His Imperial Family Members
知足常乐  Contentment Brings Happiness
古代寓言  Popular Chinese Fables
杞人忧天  Unnecessary Worry
狐假虎威  The Fox Borrows the Tiger's Terror
东施效颦  Dong Shi Imitates Eyebrows Knitting
叶公好龙  Insincere Love of Dragons
自相矛盾  Self Contradiction
守株待兔  Waiting by a Tree Stump for More Rabbits to Bump into the Tree
纪昌学射  Ji Chang Learns How to Shoot an Arrow
刻舟求剑  Marking Where the Sword Fell
鹬蚌相争  The Fight Between a Snipe and a Clam
鸡犬皆仙  When a Man Attains the Dao Way Even His Pets Ascend to Heaven
塞翁失马  Loss Sometimes Spells Gain
画蛇添足  Adding Feet to a Sketch-snake
黔驴技穷  The Donkey in Guizhou Exhausted Its Tricks
拔苗助长  Trying to Make Shoots Grow by Pulling
愚公移山  The Foolish-Old Man Moves the Mountains
涸辙之鲋  A Carp on a Dry Rut of a Wheel
小儿辩日  A Debate Between Two Children
鲁侯养鸟  The King of the Lu Feeds a Sea Bird
望洋兴叹  Gazing at the Sea and Sighing at Its Infinitude
朝三暮四  Three in the Morning and Four in the Afternoon





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