推荐序 余宏政
主编序 郭汉崇
第一篇 泌尿道之解剖、生理及病理生理学(Anatomy, Physiology and Pathophysiology of the Urinary Tract)
1. 泌尿系统解剖学(Anatomy of the Genitourinary System)崔克宏 2
2. 肾脏生理学(Physiology of the Kidney)黄万出 39
3. 泌尿道及排尿生理学(Physiology of the Urinary Tract and Micturition)
陈景亮、方德昭、黄万出 109
4. 尿路阻塞(Obstructive Uropathy)黄俊雄 137
第二篇 慢性肾衰竭(Chronic Renal Failure)
5. 肾衰竭(Renal Failure)方德昭 166
6. 肾脏移植-外科技术(Renal Transplantation — Surgical Technique)朱圣贤 177
7. 肾脏移植(Kidney Transplantation)赖明坤、阙士杰、王硕盟 184
第三篇 泌尿系统检查(Urological Examination)
8. 泌尿系统身体检查(Urological Examination)郭汉崇 216
9. 内视镜检查(Endoscopy Examination)陈奕舟、郭汉崇 230
10. 泌尿道影像检查(Urological Radiology Examination)张宝源 244
11. 泌尿道超音波检查(Urological Sonography Examination)张宝源、郭汉崇 285
12. 女性骨盆底功能异常及应力性尿失禁之影像学检查-超音波
(Imaging Study of Female Pelvic Floor Dysfunction and Stress Urinary
Incontinence-Ultrasonography)杨振铭 301
13. 尿路动力学检查(Urodynamic Study)郭汉崇 331
14. 上尿路压力尿流研究与阻塞性尿路疾病(Upper Tract Pressure Flow Study and
Obstructive Uropathy)江元宏、郭汉崇 344
第四篇 下尿路症状(Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms)
15. 下尿路症状(Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms)黄淑君、郭汉崇 354
16. 下尿路功能障碍之尿路动力学检查(Urodynamic Study in Lower Urinary
Tract Dysfunction)郭汉崇 380
17. 下尿路功能障碍之基础研究(Basic Researches of Lower Urinary Tract
Dysfunction)唐一清 417
18. 性荷尔蒙和膀胱功能的关系(Sex Hormone and Bladder Dysfunction)林鼎淯 427
19. 老人泌尿学及尿失禁(Geriatric Urology and Urinary Incontinence)
王炯珵、郭汉崇 437
20. 尿道外括约肌痉挛症候群(Spastic Urethral Sphincter Syndrome)郭汉崇 460
21. 下尿路功能障碍之药物治疗(一)(Medical Treatment of Lower Urinary Tract
Dysfunction (I))郭汉崇 478
22. 下尿路功能障碍之药物治疗(二)(Medical Treatment of Lower Urinary Tract
Dysfunction (II))邹颉龙 501
23. 以肉毒桿菌素治疗下尿路症状(Application of Botulinum Toxin on Lower
Urinary Tract Symptoms)庄燿吉、郭汉崇 518
24. 下尿路功能障碍之物理治疗(Physiotherapy of Lower Urinary Tract
Dysfunction)郭汉崇 541
第五篇 膀胱过动症与间质性膀胱炎(Overactive Bladder and Interstitial Cystitis)
25. 膀胱过动症之流行病学(Epidemiology of Overactive Bladder)钟旭东 560
26. 膀胱过动症及排尿障碍之病理生理学(Pathophysiology of Overactive
Bladder and Voiding Dysfunction)郭汉崇 565
27. 感觉性急尿及频尿症候群(Sensory Urgency and Frequency)郭汉崇 594
28. 急迫性尿失禁之物理治疗(Physiotherapy for Urgency Incontinence)
陈怡静、陈进典 612
29. 间质性膀胱炎/膀胱疼痛症候群之诊断及治疗(Diagnosis and Treatment of
Interstitial Cystitis/Painful Bladder Syndrome)陈韦志、李明辉 619
30. 间质性膀胱炎及膀胱疼痛症候群(Interstitial Cystitis and Painful Bladder
Syndrome)刘馨慈、郭汉崇 634
31. K他命膀胱炎(Ketamine Cystitis)郭育成 664
第六篇 神经性排尿障碍(Neurogenic Voiding Dysfunction)
32. 神经性排尿障碍及非手术之处置(Neurogenic Voiding Dysfunction and Non-
Surgical Management)柯千升、郭汉崇 672
33. 神经性膀胱-脑中风、巴金森氏症、多发性硬化症及颅内其他病变
(Neurogenic Bladder-Stroke, Parkinson? Disease, Multiple Sclerosis and
Intracranial Lesions)韩德生、王颜和 694
34. 神经性因排尿障碍者之泌尿併发症(Urological Complications in Patients
with Neurogenic Voiding Dysfunction)毕柳莺 707
35. 神经性因排尿障碍之手术治疗(Surgical Treatment of Neurogenic Voiding
Dysfunction)张兆祥 721
36. 嵴髓损伤泌尿系统问题之处置(Management of Urological Problems in Spinal
Cord Injury)郭汉崇 730
第七篇 女性泌尿学(Female Urology)
37. 女性骨盆解剖(Female Pelvic Anatomy)陈进典 762
38. 应力性尿失禁之诊断及分类(Stress Urinary Incontinence—Diagnosis and
Classification)萧圣谋、林鹤雄 775
39. 应力性尿失禁的保守治疗(一)(Stress Urinary Incontinence —Conservative
Treatment (I))黄文贞 782
40. 应力性尿失禁及保守治疗(二)(Stress Urinary Incontinence — Conservative
Treatment (II))陈淑月、杨凯甯 815
41. 应力性尿失禁之传统手术治疗(Stress Urinary Incontinence — Traditional
Surgical Treatment )郭汉崇 835
42. 应力性尿失禁-新手术方式与效果(Stress Urinary Incontinence — New
Surgical Technique and Results)卢佳序 864
43. 骨盆腔器官脱垂之诊断及传统处置(Pelvic Organ Prolapse — Diagnosis and
Traditional Management)郭汉崇 883
44. 生物及合成网膜应用于骨盆重建手术(Use of Biological and Synthetic
Materials in Pelvic Floor Reconstruction)苏聪贤 903
45. 女性排尿障碍(Female Voiding Dysfunction)叶忠信 914
46. 妇女膀胱出口阻塞(Bladder Outlet Obstruction in Women)郭汉崇 920
47. 电刺激治疗在应力性尿失禁及下尿路功能障碍之应用(Therapeutic Application of Electrical Stimulation in Stress Urinary Incontinence and Lower Urinary
Tract Dysfunction)洪于琇 939
48. 女性泌尿生殖问题-放射性膀胱炎、膀胱阴道□管及子宫内膜异位
(Female Urogenital Disorders-Irradiation Cystitis, Vesicovaginal Fistula and
Endometriosis)柯千升 964
49. 妇科手术后的泌尿系统併发症(Urological Complications after Gynecological
Surgeries)庄斐琪 977
第八篇 勃起功能障碍(Erectile Dysfunction)
50. 男性性功能障碍(Male Sexual Dysfunction)陈鼎源、郭汉崇 986
51. 勃起功能障碍之诊断(Erectile Dysfunction-Diagnosis)黄一胜 1000
52. 药物治疗勃起功能障碍(Pharmacotherapy for Erectile Dysfunction)简邦平 1009
53. 早发性射精之诊断及治疗(Premature Ejaculation-Diagnosis and Treatment)
王俊凯、谢汝敦 1027
54. 勃起功能障碍-手术治疗(Erectile Dysfunction-Surgical Treatment)
谢政兴、许耕榕 1037
55. 性功能障碍和诊疗-过去、现在和未来(Sexual Dysfunction and
Management-Past, Present and Prospectives)江汉声 1050
56. 女性性功能障碍(Female Sexual Dysfunction)蔡德甫 1055
第九篇 男性生育及不孕(Male Fertility and Infertility)
57. 男性生殖功能与不孕(Male Reproductive Function and Infertility)
陈鼎源、彭崇信 1068
58. 男性不孕症(Male Infertility)郑裕生、林永明 1083
59. 男性不孕-外科治疗(Male Infertility - Surgical Management)张宏江 1104
第十篇 良性前列腺肥大(Benigh Prostatic Hyperplasia)
60. 良性前列腺肥大症之诊断(Benigh Prostatic Hyperplasia - Diagnosis)
陈嘉彦、郭汉崇 1116
61. 良性前列腺肥大症的药物治疗(Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia - Medical
Management)林登龙 1139
62. 良性前列腺肥大症的手术治疗(Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia - Surgical
Treatment)刘诗彬 1150
63. 良性前列腺肥大症之低侵袭性疗法(Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia - Minimally
Invasive Therapy)江博晖 1161
64. 良性前列腺肥大症之治疗策略选择(Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia - Therapeutic
Strategy)林嘉祥、郭汉崇 1175
第十一篇 小儿泌尿学(Pediatric Urology)
65. 性别分化的异常(Disorders of Sexual Development)黄国皓、陈世干 1184
66. 小儿性征异常疾病之诊断与照护(Diagnosis and Management of Pediatric
Disorders of Sexual Development)朱绍盈、蔡文友 1198
67. 先天性生殖泌尿道畸形(Congenital Anomalies of the Genitourinary Tract)
杨绪棣 1207
68. 尿道下裂(Hypospadias)林介山 1224
69. 儿童尿失禁及排尿障碍(Urinary Incontinence and Voiding Dysfunction in
Children)张尚仁、姜宜妮、杨绪棣 1242
70. 儿童泌尿道感染(Pediatric Urinary Tract Infection)杨绪棣、张尚仁、姜宜妮 1256
71. 膀胱输尿管逆流之诊断及保守疗法(Vesicoureteral Reflux-Diagnosis and
Conservative Treatment)杨绪棣、张尚仁、姜宜妮 1265
72. 儿童膀胱输尿管逆流的手术治疗(Vesicoureteral Reflux in Children-
Surgical Treatment)黄景榆、余灿荣 1276
73. 夜间遗尿症(Nocturnal Enuresis)杨绪棣、张尚仁 1282
第十二篇 泌尿病理学(Uropathology)
74. 泌尿病理学(Uropathology)许永祥 1294
第十三篇 肾脏癌(Renal Cancer)
75. 肾脏肿瘤(Renal Tumors)蔡维明 1328
76. 肾细胞癌-诊断与外科治疗(Renal Cell Carcinoma-Diagnosis and Surgical
Treatment)庄正铿 1336
第十四篇 肾上腺肿瘤(Adrenal Tumor)
77. 肾上腺肿瘤(Adrenal Tumor)黄士铭 1346
第十五篇 生殖道肿瘤(Genital Tumors)
78. 男性生殖道肿瘤(Male Genital Tumors)蔡育贤、杨文宏 1360
第十六篇 尿路上皮细胞癌(Urothelial Cancer)
79. 尿路上皮癌最新发展之回顾(Update on Urothelial Carcinoma)于大雄 1372
80. 上泌尿道泌尿上皮癌(Urothelial Carcinoma of the Upper Urinary Tract)
黄柏坚、余宏政 1385
81. 尿路上皮细胞癌(Urothelial Carcinoma)蔡维明 1393
82. 根除性膀胱切除手术(Radical Cystectomy)黄昭渊 1414
83. 膀胱癌的化学治疗(Bladder Cancer-Chemotherapy)吴文正 1420
84. 尿路改流(Urinary Diversion)廖俊厚、黄昭渊 1432
第十七篇 前列腺癌(Prostatic Cancer)
85. 前列腺癌的流行病学及诊断(Diagnosis and Epidemiology of Prostate Cancer)
黄荣庆 1444
86. 前列腺癌之诊断及治疗的新进展(New Advancement in Diagnosis and
Treatment of Prostatic Cancer)吴东霖 1472
87. 前列腺根除术治疗局部性前列腺癌(Radical Prostatectomy for Localized
Prostate Cancer)杨启瑞 1492
88. 前列腺癌之化学治疗(Chemotherapy of Prostate Cancer)林家齐、蒲永孝 1504
第十八篇 泌尿科创伤及手术(Urological Trauma and Surgery)
89. 泌尿科创伤及急症(Urological Trauma and Emergency)陈鼎源、郭汉崇 1514
90. 泌尿道重建手术(Urinary Tract Reconstruction)郭汉崇 1526
91. 男性尿失禁之处置(Management of Male Incontinence)陈志硕 1550
第十九篇 尿路结石(Urolithiasis)
92. 尿路结石(Urolithiasis)陈奕舟 1566
93. 泌尿内视镜碎石术与体外震波碎石术(Endourolgy and Extracorporeal Shock
Wave Lithotripsy)王中敬 1584
94. 尿路结石之药物治疗及预防(Urolithiasis-Medical Treatment and Prophylaxis)
李瀛辉 1607
第二十篇 泌尿道感染(Urinary Tract Infection)
95. 泌尿道感染(Urinary Tract Infection)陈嘉彦、郭汉崇 1616
96. 性病(Sexually Transmitted Diseases)陈伟宝 1642
第二十一篇 腹腔镜手术(Laparoscopic Surgery)
97. 腹腔镜手术在泌尿科的应用(Application of Laparoscopic Surgery in Urology)
王世农 1706
98. 腹腔镜手术之外科手术技巧(Laparoscopic Surgery-Surgical Technique)
阙士杰、廖俊厚、钟旭东、戴槐青 1749
99. 腹腔镜手术后病患照顾原则(Perioperative Care of Laparoscopic Urologic
Surgery)薛又仁、邱文祥 1790
100. 手辅助式后腹腔镜肾输尿管切除术(Hand-Assisted Retroperitoneoscopic
Nephroureterectomy)欧建慧、杨文宏 1805
101. 机器手臂手术在泌尿外科领域之应用(Robotic Surgery in Urology)
欧宴泉 1811
索 引 I
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