主编序 郭汉崇
1. 尿路动力学在下尿路功能障碍之临床应用(Clinical Application of
Urodynamics in Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunctions) 郭汉崇 1
2. 尿路动力学检查室之设计(Design of Urodynamics Laboratory) 郭汉崇 23
3. 常见的尿路动力学操作误差与判读错误(Errors of Operation and
Interpretation in Urodynamic Study) 陈进典、黄淑君 33
4. 排尿日志之记录及临床应用(Voiding Diary and Clinical Application) 蒙 恩 59
5. 利用排尿日志判读下尿路症状的病人-实例分析(Interpretation of Voiding
Diary of Patients with Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms-Case Analysis) 郭汉崇 65
6. 下尿路功能障碍之问卷应用(Application of Questionnaires in Lower
Urinary Tract Dysfunctions) 邹颉龙 83
7. 尿流速及尿流图判读(Interpretation of Uroflowmetry) 钟旭东 93
8. 膀胱压力图判读(Interpretation of Cystometrogram) 廖俊厚 111
9. 尿道压力图检查判读(Interpretation of Urethral Pressure Profilometry) 黄文贞 131
10. 下泌尿道神经学(Neural Control of the Lower Urinary Tract) 程千里 141
11. 神经性膀胱功能障碍之尿路动力学判读(Interpretation of Urodynamic
Study in Neurogenic Bladder Dysfunction) 蔡素如 151
12. 上尿路之压力/尿流检查之判读(Interpretation of the Upper Urinary
Tract Pressure Flow Study) 江元宏 169
13. 下尿路之压力/尿流检查之判读(Interpretation of the Lower Urinary Tract
Pressure Flow Study) 陈志硕 183
14. 超音波检查在女性下尿路功能障碍之应用(Ultrasonographic Application
in Female Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction) 杨振铭 205
15. 录影尿动力学之操作及适应症(Videourodynamic Study-Procedures and
Indications) 曾昭伟、叶忠信 231
16. 膀胱过动症之尿路动力学判读(Urodynamic Interpretation of Overactive
Bladder) 洪满荣 243
17. 膀胱出口阻塞之尿路动力学判读(Urodynamic Interpretation of Bladder
Outlet Obstruction ) 林威宇 259
18. 括约肌肌电图及下尿路神经电生理之判读(Interpretation of the Urethral Sphincter
Electromyography and Lower Urinary Tract Electrophysiology) 陈顺郎、黄玉慧 269
19. 应力性尿失禁之尿路动力学判读(Urodynamic Interpretation of Female
Stress Urinary Incontinence) 卢佳序 289
20. 间质性膀胱炎之尿路动力学判读(Urodynamic Interpretation of
Interstitial Cystitis) 郭育成 305
21. 功能障碍型排尿之尿路动力学判读(Urodynamic Interpretation of
Dysfunctional Voiding) 庄斐琪 321
22. 老年人排尿障碍之尿路动力学判读(Urodynamic Interpretation of
Voiding Dysfunction in the Elderly) 陈奕舟 329
23. 儿童尿路动力学的适应症、操作技巧与判读(The Indications, Techniques,
and Interpretations of Pediatric Urodynamic Studies) 张尚仁、杨绪棣 357
24. 成人排尿障碍之尿路动力学判读(Interpretation of Urodynamic Studies
in Adult Voiding Dysfunction) 何承勋 369
25. 尿路动力学为基础的药物治疗原则(Principles of Medical Treatment
Based on Urodynamics) 王炯珵 377
26. 尿路动力学为基础之排尿处置(The Management of Voiding Dysfunction
Based on the Urodynamic Findings) 李伟嘉 385
27. 下尿路功能障碍之名词及定义(The Terminology and Definition of Lower
Urinary Tract Dysfunction) 黄淑君 395
28. 录影尿动力学检查—实例分析(Interpretation of the Videourodynamic
Study-Case Analysis) 郭汉崇 405
附 录
1. 下尿路功能名词标准化(The Standardization of Terminology of Lower Urinary Tract
Function) 台湾尿失禁防治协会「下尿路功能障碍名词标准化」制订委员会 443
2. 台湾尿失禁防治协会诊疗指引-良性前列腺肥大及下尿路症状的诊断与治疗
(TCS Guideline-Report from Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia/Lower Urinary
Tract Symptoms Committee) 陈志硕 461
3. 台湾尿失禁防治协会诊疗指引-膀胱过动症的诊断与治疗
□□(TCS Guideline-Report from Overactive Bladder Committee) 卢星华 471
4. 台湾尿失禁防治协会诊疗指引-间质性膀胱炎委员会报告 (TCS Guideline-
Report from Interstitial Cystitis/Painful Bladder Syndrome Committee) 李明辉 483
5. 台湾尿失禁防治协会诊疗指引-老年失禁照护指引初探
(TCS Guideline-Final Report of Geriatric Incontinence) 于博芮 491
6. 台湾尿失禁防治协会诊疗指引-妇女尿失禁及骨盆器官脱垂的诊断与治疗
(TCS Guideline-Report from Stress Urinary Incontinence/Pelvic Organ Prolapse
Committee) 余坚忍 497
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